Chapter 26: Homo Homies ;)

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[POV change] [Namjoon POV]

I saunter into the kitchen, one hand on a copy of The Wealth of Knowledge: Intellectual Capital and the Twenty-first Century Organization and Quantum Physics for Babies (which i hope to educate y/n with), the other carefully cradling my gigantic tiddies to protect them from harm's way. I need to invest in a push-up bra. As I turn the corner, I notice Seokjin's familiar board shoulders in the kitchen again. As he should be.

I sniff with my wolf-like nose skill, the tangy scent letting me know immediately that Seokjin is making sourdough bread. I can smell the yeast, like when I was working on my yeast growing samples in my lab down the hall.

I go directly to the counter as Jinnie Jin Jin kneads the dough, shaping them into a variety of breads. I hope he made a crab shaped one. I don't dare eat crabs, but things shaped like crabs are okay.

However, as I approach, I see that he is making several letters and symbols and my large 148 IQ brain starts to unscramble the letters on its own.

My eyes widen when I scan through my list of different words flashing across my eyes on my home-built computer chip contact lens. it unscrambles either to you envy oil, ovule yin yo, or.... Unlive yoyo.

The other computer built into my brain starts to blare alarm sounds of ducks quacking because that is the only noise I am afraid of. I skrrt back around the corner before Sockien notices.

I love you Y/N. That's what it said. Is Sokjin trying to woo Y/N for himself?????

I am. DISGUSTED. Drenched in my sorrows, I trample hopelessly through our mansion. How am I, the most intelligent one of the group, the Icon of the Month for the Distinguished Korean Gentlemen and Non-Gender Conforming Possibly Homosexual Individuals Club, the IMDKGNCPHIC, be outsmarted by some half-wit with a rolling pin?

I stomp babyishly down the hall until I hear the bass-boosted sound of WAP coming from Hobi's little dancing corner.

I hear the booming repetitions of there's some whores in this house all through the house. I open the studio door and see Hobi twerking, screaming "GET A BUCKET AND A MOP THAT'S SOME WET ASS—" He wiggles his mop around and continues to scrub the wooden floor, a bucket of sudsy water situated on the side. He seems to be sobbing. Maybe his face is the WAP.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"No nummies. I wanted to give Y/N my WAP, but she didn't want it! She only wants other girls' WAP. She is a raging Homosexual!"

I gaSP. I know I am in a club for possibly Homosexual individuals but it is only a possibility!!!! She has confirmed it already??? I wonder if she has a certificate.

"What do we do??" I exclaim. "She can't live in a house with only men if she is a Homosexual !"

"There is only one thing two do, three words four you~" Hobi sings sadly. "Throw her out."

I start to cry. "Why??" I sob.

"She can't meet new people and fall in love with a girl in a house full of men! She has to find other fish in the sea. But we are seagulls in the air, and we must let her find her fishy friends."

Hobi drops his mop and starts to cry too. "It's time to let our little Nemo go."

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