The Blessed Unrest

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Author's note:

Here's ten pages of #meddison rambling :).


The Blessed Unrest

Addison talks with Meredith after Molly Grey's Surgery in GA-S3-E10. Turns out, they have more in common than each of them initially expected.

"Are you going to frown at me again?" Meredith sighs at Addison when she sees her walking towards her at the end of a very long day.

Oh, shit.

First, she's had her not-family there.

Second, she's had her not-boyfriend's not-wife there.

Thirdly, she's messed up during Molly Grey's surgery when she froze while Susan Grey was freaking out at her when her grand-daughter wasn't breathing, and she's had to explain to her a whole bunch of times that they weren't her family.

"No, I'm not going to frown at you again. Look up, see, look at my face. I'm not angry, not that I even was in the first place," Addison says softly.

Addison is standing in the doorway, not walking in or out yet, allowing Meredith to invite her in or not as she felt comfortable.

She's waiting, not pushing. She's not pushing me...

Meredith watches her stand there, and she does look up. And she sees Addison's pained expression, and it makes her breath catch for some reason.

"So why are you here then?" Meredith asks more cuttingly than she's probably had to.

She sees Addison flinching a little, and she almost wants to take it back the way she can tell she's misplacing her anger again.

Meredith has hurt Addison, albeit indirectly, time and time again.

And how does she thank her? She snaps at her when she's just asking a question.

Of course...

"I just- I just wanted to check in with you, that's all. Molly's baby is doing okay now. Laura Grey-Thompson, born and recovering. And I just thought that you'd want to know that-" Says Addison, before smiling a forced smile and moving to shrink away again.

But this time Meredith stops her.

"Wait, Addison," Meredith calls out for her.

Don't go. Just not yet. Stay with me a little longer...

"You bellowed, Dr. Grey?" Addison throws her head back and chuckles at herself, and Meredith can't quite piece together why but she likes the sound of it a whole lot, and it makes her twitch for some reason, and she can't quite piece together why that's happening, either.

"Hi..." Meredith offers shyly, because she realizes she hadn't planned anything else to say at this point.

If it were anyone else, they might have left by this point, but Addison doesn't, and she just stands there patiently, maintaining eye contact until Meredith is ready to speak again, and for that, Meredith is somehow extraordinarily grateful.

Maybe this is why Derek had so much trouble leaving her.

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't have it together in there. I just looked at her baby, and it wasn't breathing, and Susan was looking at me, and Molly was looking at me, and I just didn't know what to say to either of them, and I didn't mean to let you down after you'd already stuck your neck out to put me on the case, and I know you'd probably prefer not to work with me, because I know it's complicated, and I'm complicated, and-" Meredith rambles on and on and has to stop to catch her breath in the middle of it.

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