Maybe new friends is better than long time friends

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All of them went into the limo. It was gonna be a long ride so they decided to spend it getting to know each other more or at least to get along. They were sitting next to their partners. "I'm boreddd" Oikawa said whining.

"Shut up shitykawa" Iwaizumi said rolling his eyes. "Mean iwa-chan" Oikawa said pouting. "Can yall like shut up" Tsukishma said in a cold tone. "Wow glasses-kun is getting mad~" Kuroo said trying to get a reaction out of the blonde. "Aren't you supposed to be talking to your boyfriend instead kuroo? " Tsukishma said sarcastically.

"Oop-" Oikawa said covering his mouth trying not to laugh. "Not wrong.... " Kenma said quietly. "Whatever" Kuroo said looking down at kenmas game.

Over the car ride they slowly but surely got along. Even though they still had there rivalry they quickly got along. When they got home though, oikawa and iwaizumi got the guest room while kuroo and kenma got the 'parents room' when tsukishmas and kageyamas parents would come over. Anyway back to the story btw it's night now.

"Babee" Kageyama said leaning against tsukishmas shoulder. "Yes king~" Tsukishma said looking up from his book. (Btw there both in there room) "I'm boreddd". Kageyama said looking up tsukishma, " Oh really? " Tsukishma said looking down at kageyama. "Yes.. " Kageyama says looking into tsukishmas golden brown eyes.

"What do you wanna do then? " Tsukishma said placing his book down. "Mmm we can talk to the others, that's why there here after all. " Kageyama crawling into tsukishmas lap. "Eh didn't know you were suddenly the social type" Tsukishma said with a smirk. "Shut up! " Kageyama said pouting. "Is the king getting upset~" Tsukishma said teasingly.

"Your just- ugh-" Kageyama said looking away pouting. "I'm what?" Tsukishma said holding kageyamas chin up so kageyama faced tsukishma. "Your annoying! Baka!! " Kageyama said annoyed. "Well you decided to date me so I guess I'm not half bad. " Tsukishma said leaning closer in.

They both locked eyes and went in for a kiss (I don't why every time I write this or any fluff I cringe.. Anyway back to the story before I die of cringing). Tsukishma pulls kageyama closer to him while cupping his face. Kageyamas arms are wrapped around tsukishmas neck for support.

Ok ima skip because I will die of cringe and I will just die of embarrassment if I wrote what happens, y'all should have a good understanding of what happens, so ya.

After 'that' they both took a shower.

With iwaizumi and oikawa

"Iwa-channn" Iwaizumi said looking up from his phone while laying on his stomach next to iwaizumi. "Yes flattykawa? " Iwaizumi said sarcastically. "Mean iwa-chan! Anyway I'm boreddd. " Oikawa said at iwaizumi. "To bad. " Then iwaizumi went back to looking at his phone. "Mmm... How about we play a game? " Oikawa said with a smirk. "We're not 5 anymore loserkawa" (Trust me there's many more nicknames to go) iwaizumi said looking at oikawa rolling his eyes.

"Nooo I meant how about we.. Think of yous dating in the other teams. " Oikawa said sitting up. "Boring." Iwaizumi said looking back at his phone. "Oh come on iwa-channn there's nothing else to doooo" Oikawa said laying next to iwaizumi. "Yes there is, sleep" Iwaizumi said turning his phone off. "Fineeee" Oikawa said getting underneath the covers.

They both cuddled, after about 5 mines they both had fell asleep.

With Kuroo and Kenma

"Kittennnn" Kuroo says bored. "No." Kenma says playing on his game. "Come on kittenn" Kuroo said nudging kenma. "No." Kenma says laying down while playing his game. "Fineeee I'll just just go talk to tsukishma. " Kuroo said trying to get a reaction out of kenma while slightly getting up off the bed. "Fine... " Kenma said putting his game down. "Yay! " Kuroo said happily

"What do you want before I go back to playing on my game. " Kenma said as he looked up at kuroo. "I'm boredddd" Kuroo said sitting next to kenma. "That's my problem why? " Kenma said annoyed. "Let's watch a movie. " Kuroo said laying back on a pillow. "So I just stopped my game because you were bored so we can write a movie?! " Kenma said aggravated. "Umm yes?.. " Kuroo said scared.

"Whatever... " Kenma said laying next to kuroo. *just like a kitten* kuroo thought as he got the remote. They turned the tv on and started watching multiple movies. "Hey kitten. " Kuroo said looking down at the half asleep kenma. "Hm? " Kenma said looking up. "I love you. " Kuroo said pulling kenma closer. "I love... " Then kenma fell asleep. Kuroo just smiled at the sight.

He loved kenma a lot, he didn't mind him playing on his game or talking to shoyo. He loved him for him, he didn't want that to change.
The next skip 2 days (Friday), with tsukishma and kageyama.. Btw the other 4 are still there

Kageyama had woken up to a sleeping blonde. He kissed his head and sat up. It was cold that morning so as soon kageyama sat up,  tsukishma felt freezing. Tsukishma woke up and rubbed his eye. "Morning babe" Kageyama said looking at tsukishma. "Hey, come back~" Tsukishma said whining. "I gotta make breakfast. " Kageyama said. "Please... " Tsukishma said pouting.

"Finee" Kageyama then layed back down next to tsukishma. "Yay" Tsukishma said smiling. "Whatever." Kageyama looking away. "Aw is the king mad~" Tsukishma said teasingly. "Stop calling me king! " Kageyama said pouting. "Ok king" Tsukishma said.

"That's not even- whatever.. " Kageyama said looking away. "Oh come on. " Tsukishma said.

Ok ima end this chapter here. I have like a small problem/question. I'm getting bored of fluff because I just want something interesting to happen and for that to happen I need angst... So should I make this Story short and have it all fluff? Or have it longer and have angst?

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