I bet yall of sick of me by now

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Ok another rant. Ft: Toxic ships.


Ok so, who came up with the idea to make the ships toxic? And or the characters toxic? Do you think its cute? Funny? Entertaining? Because it isn't. (What i say in this does not go to the people that don't support this. The people that do support this, get mad idc.)

If you find entertainment by making the ships toxic or the characters toxic then you have a problem. None of them are toxic, so why are you making them toxic? Its not funny because it just ruins the characters reputation and just ruins the show for some people.

People might say "well you made blah blah blah mean" well I did that for the storyline, if your making the characters mean,rude, or anything else because you don't like them then you shouldn't be making stories with them in it.

Now if your making them racist,homophobic,toxic,transphobic, or anything else for your pure enjoyment or you encourage that then please unfollow me and don't read my stories because that's just utterly disgusting.

Why? Because being racist, homophobic,toxic,transphobic,or stuff that is disrespectful ISN'T CUTE NOR FUNNY. I've seen stories make the characters let's say tsukishima racist! They even made him support Trump. I'm not one to be political BUT NEITHER IS HAIKYUU! Its not religious,it's not political,it's not NOTHING its only about volleyball and the characters involved.

So why are bringing it up? Oh because Asahi looks like Jesus? Or is the fact that tsukishima is salty so OBVIOUSLY he supports Trump? OH or is the fact that because let's say sakusa has germaphobia (please correct me if I'm wrong about that) then obv he hates everyone and is super cold and mean and distant and is constantly and blanttly rude?.....

Well, Asahi is not religious, just because he may look like him doesn't automatically mean he is Jesus. Yes its a meme but making it his whole personality is boring and making him chant " I love jesus" or "holy water" 100 times whenever someone talks is just annoying. I'm not attacking whoever does this its just annoying.

Also being a germaphobe doesn't make you a jerk, and neither is sakusa. Yes he may be uncomfortable without his surroundings and might tell someone to keep there distant but he won't call them a "germ" or be rude to them. Also he's not gonna make atsumu take 19 showers, wash his hands 35 times, put handsaniter on his hands 10 times, brush his teeth 400 times or anything like that. That unhealthy and can hurt atsumu physically.

Also tsukishima ISN'T A BULLY NOR IS HE RACIST! Yes he's salty, I can be to. But when did it EVER say he was these things. If you payed attention to his background you would know that he uses this salty persona so he won't get so attached to people and he won't be betrayed again and hurt like he was when his brother lied to him. All we can assume is his father isn't in the picture meaning akiteru was the only male figure he had so he looked up to akiteru a lot, he looked up to him and he's the reason why he's in volleyball in the first place. His inspiration came from akiteru, so his whole world crumbled when he found out that his brother had been lying to him for 2 years. 2 YEARS! Heck even if it was just a lie, I would be hurt to if someone lied to me for whatever reason for 2 years. PLUS HE WAS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL, that was crush someone at that age. If he didn't lie and told tsukishima the truth, he would be a totally different person than he is now. Don't assume that's he's this bad person, when in reality he's not. He's hurt, since he's still putting up the wall of saltiness then he's still hurting because he hasn't let it go.

Back to the toxic ships, kuroken (kenhina shippers might get salty). Ima say this once, KENMA.DOESN'T.FAVOR.HINATA.OVER.KUROO. If anything he likes kuroo more and with reason. Kuroo is kenmas childhood friend, they have been by each others side for years. They have a strong and bond, if you payed attention you could tell kenma is more comfortable with kuroo than anybody in the anime/manga. That also includes Hinata. Kenma has only known hinata for a few months max a year. There only interaction is through practice matches. But even then its so little. Kenma has only seen Hinata as maybe a friend, he is comfortable around him but not as much kuroo. So therfore he wouldn't neglect kuroo for Hinata. If anything it would be the other way around. At the end of the day it comes down to trust,love,care,and your bond. We can see kenma trusts and cares for kuroo more than anyone, he loves kuroo a lot (there best friends) and there bond is strong. On court you can tell kuroo and kenma trust each other a lot. Also kenma isn't even a game addict so let's get that out the way.

This is getting long so ima stop here before I go on for hours. Also if anyone gets mad...stay mad 😗✌. Idc, the haikyuu Fandom is getting toxic and out of control. You can unfollow me idc it doesn't affect me, I came on here to make stories and express my feelings. I don't care about followers or views. I write what makes me happy. If you don't like me because what I said then good for you. If want to elaborate on what I said in the comments then do so, if anything of the stuff I said is false then please tell me and I'll fix it. That's it bye love yall 😗✌

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