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excuse all mistakes
not proofread


Ashante Janiyah Walls

"Tai !!" I yelled from his room.


"Latrell !!" I yelled again because I refused to get up. Call me Rosa Parks.

"What ?!" He yelled back. "Comere !!"

"I'm taking a shit !! Can a nigga shit in peace ?! Damn." He yelled making me bust out laughing.

Me and Taison been talking for a few months. No one knows though simply because we didn't want them to. We don't like everyone in our business so we kept it to ourselves.

Sometimes it would be nice for people to know but the more people that know, the more drama and arguing we would have.

Also because i'm the type to believe everything that I hear so as soon as someone says something about Tai imma be quick to believe it. We plan on telling the gang soon, just not right now. Hopefully they'll understand why we waited to say something.

"What ?" He came in the room mugging me. "You smell like shit." I laughed.

"No I don't." He frowned up at me. "Yes you do Tai. That scent rubbed off on you. Go shower."

"It's probably yo stank ass pussy." He mumbled going through his closet. "Tammat this pussy that was just on yo face and cumming in yo mouth ? That pussy ?"

"Shut the fuck up mane." He laughed grabbing a towel.

"I see you getting inna shower though." I stuck my tongue out. "Nananabooboo."

"Mmcht you so childish." He laughed at me and walked in the bathroom.

I just laid down on my stomach and read a book on wattpad until he came back out and smack my hiney .

"Owwww Taiii. You know it ain't nothing back there but that shit hurted." I put my head in the pillow waiting for that pain to go away.

"Bro you better not- oh my fucking god." He rubbed his hands down his face knowing what the fuck he had to do since he made me cry.

"Where you want some to eat from ?" He went to the door dash app as I sat there thinking.

"Well you know how Taco Bell put them Cheddar Chalupas back up there. Yeah I want one of those and a quesadilla and a blue raspberry freeze. Thanks love." I smiled.

"If it ain't back by 1:30 you gon be shit out of luck cus D'Nyah get out the hospital today." He looked at me then ordered the stuff. "She really been in there fa four months." I shook my head

"She really hadda speedy recovery. She walking and running now, she ain't all sad and depressed no more, and she ain't got that oxygen tank no more."

"And y'all thought she was gon die. You stupid fucks." I glared at him.

"The way the doctors was talking they said she was. Yo food here." He got up and went to the door as both of our phones vibrated.

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