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excuse all mistakes
not proofread


It's been a few weeks since D'Nyah's been in the hospital. At first, she was making progress and looking towards getting out soon. But now, things aren't that good. Her heart rate went back down and she's been very tired lately. They asked Xay would he give more blood but he said no.

Everyone thinks that it's because he's being bitter but it's not. Every since that day that D'Nyah basically kicked him out with her emotions, he's been messed up.

When he went down Asia's house, he quickly changed his mind realizing that doing what he was going to do wouldn't make anything better. So he left. He started drinking lean and popping Percocets with liquor, and lacing his weed because he felt like he had no purpose and that since everybody's mad at him now he has no purpose to be here.

That's the reason why he doesn't want to give her any of his blood because he thinks it might affect her. He really wants to do better but he feel like he can't. He doesn't have the motivation anymore. The little motivation he had doesn't care for him anymore.

He sat in his car going to the only place where he genuinely felt safe and secured.

Xa'vvyon Kortez Franklin

I pulled up to the graveyard adjudicating on whether or not this was the right decision.  I haven't been here in some months and i'm starting to regret it.

As I got out the car, memories of the last time I saw my sister started to cloud my memories.


"Xay quittt." his big sister Xa'Riel whined as 17 year old Xay tried to pull her hoodie off of her.

"Let the fucking hoodie go Xa i'm not playing." He straight faced her.

"Mmcht." she let the hoodie go and removed it showing all the bruises on her neck, arms, and stomach. "Xa'Riel what the fuck ?!?." He yelled examining all the bruises.

"They- they're just hickies. Owww !!" She yelled as he touched one.

"That's not a damn hickey man stop playing wimme." He said calmly as she stood there with tears in her eyes.

"I- I can't Xay I can't." His sister broke down in his arms. "It's aight. I gotchu." He rubbed her back as they walked to the sofa.

"I can't go through this much longer Xay. It- it hurts."  She sobbed.

"You not finna give up on me. You not finna give up on Xai. She just one. She needs you." He said thinking about his niece Xailey.

"She doesn't deserve me. I- i'm a mess. Every time i look at her it reminds me of when he raped me. I can't take care of her Xay I can't." She choked out thinking about what her dad did to her.

"She can stay wimme until you get back on your feet. But you not finna give up. We already lost our mama. I can't loose you too." His eyes watered.

"I can't Xay. I'm sorry." She sobbed and pulled a gun out of her pants.

"Xa. Put the gun down man. I swear we gon get that bitch ass nigga Markese just put the gun down." Tears streamed down his face.

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