Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"So...this is where Grandpa Gregory lived?"


"It looks so..."

"Like it has no spirit, right?"

White tilted her head and gave her grandfather's house another look before nodding. She was outside the ruins of her grandfather's old house with Abel the Charizard. This was the second time in her life where she's seen the house, but it had lost its majesticness since the first time she saw. She had been around ten years old when she saw it last.

"You could live here, you know," Abel told her quietly.

She nodded again and looked back at the house. It was placed in the center of Route 1, between Pallet Town and Viridian City. It wasn't difficult to find, but it was far enough from civilization. The house once looked welcoming but now it was gloomy and dark. Dead and frozen ivy sprouted around the walls and fence, and some of the windows were cracked.

When Gregory Copperfield died, he had left his will and it said that most of his possessions would go to White and N. Their mother had died from cancer before his death, so they were his only living relatives. One of the things that had been left to the siblings was his house. However N did not know this yet and White didn't have the money to keep the house, so the house had been left where it was, molding away.

"You know I would like to live here, I really would," White finally said, looking up at Abel. "Its just that I don't have the money to keep it."

Abel looked disappointed as he glanced up at the house. It must have been hard for the Charizard and the other pokemon to witness their trainer's death and be taken away from their home.

"Your grandfather was the kindest man I've ever met," Abel suddenly said, not looking away from the ruins. "I miss him very much, and that goes for your mother and grandmother as well. There hasn't been a day that's went by where I haven't wished he was still around. Somehow I think this house and everything inside it brings back all of my memories of him."

White couldn't think of anything to say so she reached out her gloved mechanical hand and grasped onto the fence. She tapped it for a few seconds before letting it go.

"I'll see what I can do about fixing it up," she finally told Abel. "I guess it should be cleared out anyway if me or my brother decide to live here."

The Charizard smiled and flapped his wings happily. The corners of White's mouth twitched slightly. She patted the pokemon's shoulder and pulled away quickly.

They didn't speak for awhile before Abel suddenly said, "Is that all you're going to say?"

"What?" asked White, slightly surprised.

"I expected you to start interrogating me about your parents or something."

"No, why?"

"Well," the Charizard coughed, shifting slightly. "I heard you've been going to police stations and searching for files about your father."

White felt her face grow hot slightly. She looked at the snowy ground and replied, "Jeremiah told you, didn't he?"

"Yeah, he did, sorry..." grunted Abel.

"Well he's telling the truth, I have been doing weekly visits to the police station. Happy?"

"Can I be honest?"


"I personally don't think you'll find much on your father there."

"What do you mean?" White asked curiously.

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