Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

"Ow, that hurts!"

"Well if you wouldn't move so much it wouldn't hurt!"

Danny heard White grumble something as Amos continued to tend to her wounds that she obtained during her fight with the Gardevoir.

He, Margaret, Fiona, White, Amos, Serena, and Xavier had all rushed to the Pokemon Center in Ambrette Town. All of their pokemon had been returned from their check ups except for Danny and Xavier's teams. The Gardevoir, or his Gardevoir, was now in the Emergency Room of the Pokemon Center. The nurse had to call several doctors from the local hospital to help with the process of removing the collar part from her neck. They had been waiting for an hour already.

"Do you think the Gardevoir will be ok?" Serena asked nervously as she pet her Quilladin that was sitting on her lap.

"Nurse Joy did say that the procedure could be fatal, but..." Xavier started, but trailed off after realizing what he was saying.

"That's comforting..." She muttered.

"She's strong, I'm sure she'll be alright," Margaret said a little more reassuringly. She was sitting on one of the chairs near the window. Margaret was still recovering from the battle, and she and White were both dealing with sensitive hearing.

Danny merely grunted and looked out the window. He already felt a certain responsibility over the Gardevoir. She had chosen him when they barely knew each other, not to mention tried taking out the other. If she died from the surgery...

"Why did you pick up a pickaxe and try knocking the Gardevoir out?" Amos asked White sternly. "It would've killed you! What you did also seemed very unlike you!"

He saw White blush and snarl, "I have a personal grudge against Gardevoirs..."

"If anyone has the right to hold a grudge against Gardevoirs, it's Sky, and I don't see him picking a fight with one."

"Well of course he wouldn't, he has, like, Gardevoir-phobia, and yes, I made that name up just now. Besides, he's secretly terrified of a now perfectly harmless Gardevoir. I can only imagine how he would act when facing Danny's Gardevoir."

"If the Gardevoir is as harmless as you say it is, then why don't you forgive it and let it go?" questioned Serena, raising an eyebrow.

"I actually would, but unfortunately, the Gardevoir happens to belong to one of two of my least favorite people in the world," White growled.

"Why do you hate it so much? Surely it didn't do anything to extreme?"

"Taking someone's eye out isn't extreme enough?"

"Ok, that is a bit extreme and bad, but you can still forgive and forget!"

White was about to retort angrily, but Margaret interrupted nervously, "Um, can't you do this another time? I-I think Fiona is listening and I don't think we should upset her by fighting."

Danny turned his head a little at this to look at the play corner of the lounge. Jeremiah, Green Ivy, Mister Poofy, Penelope, and Raichu had taken it upon themselves to play with the young girl in order to distract her from recent events. The pokemon (mainly Jeremiah) tried teaching her to play Poker, but White quickly stomped on that plan (almost literally). Now they were using the building blocks to build a castle. However, Fiona had been looking over at the older trainers after hearing White and Serena's argument. After seeing them looking at her, she quickly turned back to play with her pokemon.

"Do you know more about why those grunts called her a princess?" Xavier asked White quietly.

White shook her head and replied, "She doesn't want to talk, well, it's not like she can. She wrote on that pad of hers that she didn't want to talk about it. We might have to ask the Gardevoir."

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