Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

White's footsteps were muffled against the bright green grass as she walked through an enchantingly beautiful forest. She had been here on several occasions, though her last visit stuck out in particular. She was currently just wandering through the forest aimlessly, unsure of what to do.

I've never been in here this long without meeting some sort of being, White thought as she ventured deeper into the forest. What am I dreaming about?

As a child, she often dreamt of being chased by violent, horrific creatures that reassembled Mightyenas, but they were always chased away by her Guardian, which was a Pyroar. The year before, she fell into a coma where she was chased by a great, malicious dragon with seven headed dragon. That too was chased away by the Pyroar, which White soon learned was the greatest being in the universe. She had not had a dream like that since.

Then a certain sound reached White's ears. It was faint, but she was able to follow it. It sounded like crying, more like sobbing. Who would be crying in such a place?

White steered away from the direction she had been walking and took a left. Her pace quickened as the crying got louder. She began to hear the rush of a river or a stream.

She then came to a rushing stream. It was bright blue with pebbles if ever color scattered at the bottom. Standing next to the river side was a small figure. It wasn't a human, but a small pokemon that probably reached to White's waist.

It was a short, blue, canine pokemon with black fur on its neck and back. It also had a yellow collar around its neck and it had two bumps above each paw. The black fur around its face made it look like it wore a mask.

A Riolu.

White merely watched it. The pokemon didn't seem to realize she was there. The Riolu just stood by the river, crying.

Then it did something that made the trainer's heart stop. The Riolu suddenly threw itself into the river with one miserable, heart wretching cry. With a splash, it sunk into the stream and clasped onto a large rock at the bottom.

"NO!" White screamed, immediately running toward the river and jumping after it. The stream might not have been deep for her, but it was for the little Emanation Pokemon. She grabbed the little pokemon around the waist and forced it to the surface.

The Riolu gasped for air as the trainer dragged it back to shore. White spat water out of her mouth and let go of the Riolu. It choked and spluttered before curling up in a little ball, rocking back and forth.

After regaining her breath, White straightened up and demanded desperately and concernedly, "What were you doing?! You could have got seriously hurt if not-"

She stopped, realization clutching her heart.

" were trying to kill yourself?" White stammered.

When the Riolu didn't answer, she put her hands on its shoulders and looked into its eyes. She noticed that the Riolu had bright blue eyes, which was odd since Riolus and Lucarios usually had crimson red eyes.

"Why would you throw away your life like this?" she whispered, putting her real hand on its cheek and lifting its chin. "You live in such a beautiful relm, it's much better than the world I live in, where everyone is cruel and cold."

"Nobody loves me here..." the Riolu whimpered. White was taken aback, more by his voice than anything. It was strikingly familiar.

"You are loved more than you realize," White told him, suddenly coming up with an idea. "Hey, have you heard of the being that roams these lands?"

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