Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

(This chapter is dedicated to @VictoriaRyan6, who was the reader who gave "Spite Without Shame" the votes it needed to reach the 1K votes mark! Thank you so so much, Victoria, your votes meant a lot to me! I honestly can't thank you enough! :) I also want to thank every signal one of you readers who helped me get here after almost two years. Thank you all so much! :) I will be discussing the possible rewards for the 1K mark/SWS's 2 year anniversary in the author's note.)

(Notice: I recommend using Google Translate for this chapter if you don't understand French. Forgive me if my French isn't very good ;-; )

"Finally, we made it to Ambrette Town!" White announced loudly and gratefully as she ran down the concrete stairs that lead from Route 8's cliff roads to Ambrette Town.

"White, wait up!" She heard Amos call after her as she reached the bottom while he was still at the top of the stairs.

White and Amos had finally reached Ambrette Town after almost a week traveling. They had left N on Route 8 in a hidden place where people were unlikely to find him. However, White did learn some interesting things from N.

She had been shocked to find about Margaret's past. She had no idea that her friend had wings and was able to hear pokemon. Sure, she had suspected it, but she didn't think she was right. Nevertheless, White promised to keep Margaret's secret safe unless told otherwise.

"Man, I'm glad we're off that ravine!" White sighed as Amos came down the stairs. "Now we don't have to worry about Ne-Ne anymore!"

"You do seem happier than usual," Amos admitted, though he sounded nervous.

"Meh, don't worry, it'll pass in a few minutes. Anyway, what do we do now?" She continued, looking around the sunny seaside town.

"Well check your Xtransceiver, maybe one group is here already." Her partner suggested, taking out his own Xtransceiver.

Though White would rather think they were the first group there, she took out her device and checked her messages. She had one message, and it was from Danny.

"Darn it, Danny, Margaret, and Fiona got here first!" The older trainer growled, shoving her Xtransceiver in her overcoat pocket.

Amos merely shrugged as he put his device away as well and told her, "At least we're not third. Apparently Sky Blue, Mira, and Leia are still on Route 8."

"That is good news. I can go another day without Sky in my life."

"But what do we do till then?" Amos asked.

"I don't know, go look for Danny and the other two?" said White with a shrug.

"Did they give you a location?"

"Yes, just let me check again..."

White took out her Xtransceiver and opened up her messages again. She noticed that she got one new message in the last minute. She ignored it and looked under her previous texts from Danny.

"It says that they went to explore Glittering Cave, wherever that is." White told Amos.

"I'm sure it's not too hard to find," Amos assured her. "Come on, let's go."

"Just a sec, I got a text from Sky."

The older trainer opened up the message from Sky Blue. She was surprised at the length of his text. Most of his messages were either some kind of "emoji" or less than five words.

Mira's been trying to catch the same Spritzee for three hours now. Plz save me. PLZ.

White sighed and texted back, Sorry, already in Ambrette Town. I would send a pack of poison, but I would've taken it myself. Good luck.

Secrets Without Shame (A Pokémon Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ