Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

(I dedicate this chapter to my good friend xXFrozenMidnightXx . Frozen, I'm not sure where you are now, but I want you to know a few things. You have been a great friend and supporter to me. You were one of the few people who would still talk to me, and we had some great conversations. You'd also support me on SWS2, and leave great feedback and comments. I was actually planning on dedicating a better chapter than this to you, but I don't want to put this off anymore. In a way, I do see this chapter as special, and remaining readers will see why. Please, if you read this, please tell me where you are. I'm worried about you, and I know some of your other friends are too. Don't just leave us in the dark like this 😥 To be honest, Wattpad doesn't seem the same without you. You leaving is really hitting me hard, and I'm losing the will to write. But I really do hope you know that we care about you and are worried.)

"Curandero, start out with Flying Press!" Margaret called to her Hawlucha, who cawed and flew into the air.

Once he was high in the air, Margaret instructed next, "Now use Brick Break!"

Curandero gave a loud, "Haw, hawlucha!" before spreading his glowing wings.

"Amelia, Thundershock!" The rookie commanded her Flaaffy. Amelia bleated loudly as she released a surge of electricity toward Curandero. The Thundershock became absorbed into the Brick Break, causing Curandero's wings to crackle with electricity.

"Alright, Deborah, your turn now!" The performer called, throwing out her hand toward the Gardevoir. "Moonblast!"

The Gardevoir closed her eyes and began to dance in place while singing beautifully. Pink and pale blue aura shaded off her and formed a large sphere above her head. The sphere greatly resembled the moon.

"Electric Brick Break!"

Curandero swooped down and used the electrifying Brick Break to slice through the Moonblast. The Fairy Type move burst into pink and pale blue fragments that scattered around the field. Some fragments even morphed in tiny butterfly-like shapes, adding to the magical feel of the performance.

Margaret spun around and danced with Amelia, Curandero, and Deborah among the Moonblast fragments. Once the fragments vanished, Margaret straightened up and called, "Finished!"

There was a loud squeal as Fiona leapt off the bench at the field's sidelines and ran over to the performer and her team. Her male Dedenne who had been perched on top of her head, Kirk, squeaked fearfully from the sudden burst of speed and clung to the little girl's ponytail. Margaret could even hear him begin to curse furiously.

"Did you like the routine, Fiona?" Margaret asked her nervously, in need of a new perspective.

Fiona nodded eagerly, giving the performer the response she expected. The young girl was so easy to please.

"I thought you did well too."

Danny had also gotten up and strode over to his friend. Margaret had asked him and Fiona to watch what she had for her performance so far. The only bad thing was that he couldn't stay for long because he had to train his remaining Pokemon for his upcoming gym battle.

"Y-You really think so...?' Margaret stammered uncertainly, feeling her face turn slightly warm.

"Of course I do," Danny told her patiently. "You have been doing very well for a beginner. I think you'll do great. All you need is to be more confident of your abilities."

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