Chapter 37

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Chapter 37

"How long has she been out there now?"

"Ten minutes, twenty seven seconds."

"Do you think she'll come back? I bet she will come back after a news team sees her!"

Tired of listening to her Pokemons' bets, Margaret looked away from the mirror and scolded the three, "Sowny, Deborah, Petunia, you three should stop! Maya wasn't feeling well, so it's explainable the that she's taking awhile!"

They were in fifteen minutes into the Showcase's intermission. Margaret and the other performers were now preparing for their Freestyle Performance, though poor Maya had from what Margaret believed to be from nerves. The performers that had moved up were Margaret, Maya, Raven, Shauna, Cloudy, Paige, and Darcie. Seven performers remained to compete for the Princess Key.

"I wonder why she just started to get nervous," Petunia wondered aloud as Margaret turned back to check the new outfit she was now wearing. "She's participated in two other showcases, she should be somewhat use to it by now."

"Well I hear that she has low confidence when it comes to cooking," Sowny explained. "She must not be a very good cook, or else she wouldn't be so jittery. Deborah, what are you doing?"

Margaret turned around as she heard Deborah's usual snarl. The Gardevoir was watching Paige, one of the performers that had moved up. She was sitting at one of the tables while her own blue Gardevoir did her hair. There was also the same blue Gallade from the previous contest was next to them. He and Deborah had made eye contact and were now growling at each other.

"Deborah, be nice!" Margaret told the Gardevoir sternly. "They aren't doing anything wrong! They have every right to be here!"

"But I can not let them go unchallenged after last time!" Deborah retorted.

"Yes you can! Maybe you should do something else, like put on your own outfit!"

Deborah scowled and levitated the light blue feathery scarf, a short blue jacket, and teal fedora out of the box of Pokemon clothes Mira had dropped off. She then said grumpily, "I'd rather see who the optimistic girl is talking to."

Margaret knew that Deborah was speaking of Raven. Raven was already dressed for her performance, so she had went to call her cousin and friend in Alola. From what Margaret could see, Raven was talking very animatedly.

"You should get dressed before anything else," Margaret told Deborah. "Amelia and Curandero are already dressed!"

At this, there was a series of loud squeaks as Fletcher and Amelia scrambled out from behind a dressing room door. Curandero had leapt out while waving around something like a sword. The young performer then realized it was a selfie stick.

"Ya know, for a Pokemon older than most of us, Curandero ain't too bright," Petunia sighed as the Fletchinder and Flaaffy hid behind a chair.

"Curandero, where did you get that?" Margaret asked as Curandero began to play with the stick around them.

"It was in the trash!" Curandero replied, stopping his playing. "Can you believe nobody wanted this?"

"Oh, Curandero, you should really put it back..."

"Why can't I have it?"

"Well... never mind, go ahead."

The Hawlucha beamed at her and went off again to play with his new selfie stick. Margaret thought she heard Deborah scoff, but she ignored her. She didn't see any real harm in giving Curandero the selfie stick.

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