Please dont go (Part 2)

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((((There will be part 3))))

Lauren POV

*11 am*

I feel so bad for Jewel I told her at 9 and she locked herself in her room for 2 hours, didn't want any breakfast. My mom was really mad at me for making her upset. I'm leaving at 4 pm so I have a long time to say goodbye. I sighed as I was helping me mom making lunch. We are making macaroni and cheese (aka. Jewel's favourite) we will be done in an hour. In the other hand I took a break to go and make things right with Jewel, I feel really sad for her. I went up to her room and knocked on the door. Okay this is weird there is no answer.

Jewel POV

*1 hour earlier*

I was on my bed crying for dear life. I got the courage to get up and go to the bathroom, I saw in the mirror I have red puffy eyes for crying. I see my blade asking for my blood and pain from my wrist. I quickly cleaned my face and got changed out of my tear stained clothes into really comfortable clothes. I decided I should run away. I keep thinking they are not my family or the orphanage didn't tell me the truth. The orphanage never lied before so I'm believing they are not my family. At least I know my way back to it.

I took a rope from under my bed. Wait why was there a rope under my bed? I asked myself. I tied one end to the leg of the bed and threw the other end out the window. I checked if it's tied correctly and strong enough to hold me. Luckily it was good enough so I started to pack my bag. Some clothes, shoes, socks, and the wolf teddy I got from Lauren. And lastly my poster with my family on it so I can remember them. I sipped my bad closed and started climbing down from my window.

I got to the ground and quickly ran to the garage where my bike was. Yes my da- I mean Mike taught me how to ride a bike. I got on the bike and started paddling as fast as I could.


I was half way there. I was terribly exhausted of paddling my bike. I stopped for a five minute break like ages ago I think I could have a two minute break now. I stopped and rested on some soft grass. It was so relaxing but then I realized the time. Oh crap I think Lauren already knows well I better get going I'm almost there just another hour of riding my bike then I'll be there. I got back on my bike and started paddling again.

*20 minutes later*

I was still paddling and got another couple of minutes break. Suddenly my phone buzzed a million times. I checked it and saw a group message from the Jauregui family. I checked it forgetting that it will say read.

Mommy Jauregui:

Honey, Jewel where are you?

Daddy Jauregui:

Jeweliana where are you hiding?


Jeweliana where did you go?


Jewel what's wrong?
Where are you?
If there is something wrong you can tell me
Please let me in

I read all the messages but I didn't see Lauren's text it says 'this text has been removed'. I feel bad for Lauren, but what can I do she is leaving me. Since every text say 'read' I got a bunch of 'Are You Okays' and 'Where Are Yous' I don't know but I ignored them. I got on my bike and started paddling again.

Clara POV

Oh my god where is my baby girl I hope she is okay. I kept talking to myself in my head until Mike shook me out of my thoughts. "Clara, Clara, it will be fine, just calm down we will not lose her again okay" he said. I nodded and I got up and went to Lauren's room. She locked herself in her room for already 20 minutes. She never done it before so I'm getting pretty worried. We already contacted the police and they said if she is gone for 48 hours we have to contact them again. I got to the door of Lauren's room and knocked on the door. She opened the door withered puffy eyes. I quickly attacked her with a hug telling her sweet nothings. She eventually calmed down and let me in her room. I told her everything will be alright and that she has to go to X-factor to perform her songs for the people. She nodded and went to her bathroom to clean up.


Hey guys sorry you might be a bit confused but I am aswell

Did Fifth Harmony go to X-Factor a second time?
I hope so... Or my book will be confusing

I'll update soon

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