Whats gonna happen next?

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Jewel POV

*30 minutes later*

Let's just say I was in DEEP shit 30 minutes ago. I regretted my mistake and I promised Lilly I will never do it again and she promised me that she won't tell. I'm fine with that deal unless I forget again. "Jeweliana you mother is on her way to pick you up!" Lilly calls from the kitchen. 'Oh shit I'm screwed, Clara is gonna kill me I GOTTA HIDE LIKE NOWWWW!' I screamed in my head and remember my old hiding place where no one can find me at all. The hole in the wall at the back of the orphanage where no one ever goes.

I quickly ran there and hid in the whole, but the thing is there is a lot of stuff to do here. I could either climb the ladder, go outside, play with my toys I hid in here, or sleep because I also hid a bed in here. I decided to climb the ladder to the attic. By the way that's the only way in the attic do I'm completely safe.

I haven't been up here in a while. It's a bit dark (A/N pic up top) I kept climbing till my feet was on the attic floor. I walked around remembering memories. after about a really long time of wandering I suddenly hear a car. I ran to the window and saw its Mike and Clara's car. I saw Taylor get out the car first, then Chris, then Clara, then Mike. I freak out.

Ohhhhhh nooooooo what will they think of me, what if they hate me now, what if they saw and decide to give me up. All the what ifs kept popping in my head making me more and more stressed. I was pacing forgetting that the attic floor makes noises when you walk up here.

Nelly POV (Jewel's friend)

It was so weird seeing Jewel coming back and looked like she ran a 40 mile marathon. Jenny and I was so curious but she kept lying to us. "Something is up" I told Jenny and she nodded. I saw her going to her hiding place I wanted to follow her but then I'll brake her cover. She told me that is they ask she already left. Urgggggg I hate these lies.

I went back to the room Jewel, Jenny and I shared before but now it's just for me and Jenny. When Jewel came back we insisted of sharing again but she was never the same she told us what it's like. It sounded quite bad. She told us she got in trouble a lot for doing nothing. She is probably lying again.

Jenny and I kept playing with our dolls until we heard a car parking. That's my queue but I'm not lying to them I'm straight up going to tell the- what the. I heard a Jewel pacing in the attic. "I knew it Jenny common we are going to tell Lilly" I said and Jenny pulled me back "she is still our friend and- wait where's Ash?" She noticed Ash was missing. "Don't you remember Lilly's husband the rich guy came here about a day ago and asked for Ash to go with him for a week" I reminded her and she oh'd.

We headed downstairs and I went straight to Lilly who was talking to Jewel's mom. "Lilly Lilly Lilly" I said pulling her shirt a bit. She turned to me "yes Nelly" she said very impatient, "Jewel is too scared to even show herself" I quickly said. I looked at Jewel's mom, she's mad. She is most likely going to kill Jewel. "Lilly she is hiding because she doesn't like to be in trouble and the only way you'll get her out is to get someone she trusts the most" I told Lilly and she sighed "are you sure that's the only way?" She asked. "We tried food once but it didn't work once she stayed in her hiding place for a week and I had to go and give her her food so she won't die" I told her and she nodded.

"Is there anyone here who she trust's the most?" Lilly asked the family, Taylor stepped forward "it's only Lauren but she left for X-Factor to perform her songs she won't be back until like 3 months" she said. "Anyone else?" Lilly asked again and everyone shook their heads. What's gonna happen next.

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