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Every story begins with one of two things: a thought or an idea. Some stories begin with both, as most authors tend to have scattered brains most of the time.

The story I am going to relate to you begins with neither. Instead, it begins with a memory.

Hello, my name is Cristabel Evelyn Mudgett. Most people call me Eve or Evelyn or Crista. I work at a convenient store as a cashier.

Yeah, I know, you are probably yelling at the book with sentences like: Eve, That Is The Lowest Of The Low Jobs Ever! or something like that.

But let me tell you, that my life story is an interesting one. I am proud of the life I have had.

Yeah sure I wish a couple things could have been different but I am glad of the life I lead as it is one that is very inspiring to lots of people and for me it is a magical story to tell.

I am going to tell that life story to you. But I will have to go a little further back to give you a much more clearer grasp of what my life was like. So the story will make a little more sense. And bring that very magical feel that it did for me when I lived this part of my life.

It is quite odd to start off a story this morbid but when my grandpa Barney Jones was on his deathbed, it brought my family closer together. So hopefully, you have the time to listen to a loser's story of family as a dying grandpa who had something truly special.

As I said, I am very pleased to have lived this part of my life and I will forever hold onto it with very fond memories.

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