Chapter Six

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Wednesday had come and nothing really happened. Well not until then. I walking to collect my thoughts of the week and try to just prevent stress when I heard my name called. I was in a park called Omahun Park. I turned around and saw Rusty and his football buds.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. I did not want to deal with them that day.

"What do I want? Oh Eve, I want you back." Rusty said flamboyantly. His buds laughed at that. I rolled my eyes at them.

"Well, I don't want you." I said to him. He laughed. He then started walking towards me faster and faster. I started to walk away from him but he was right at my face and he knocked me onto the ground. His friends gathered around us and Rusty spoke.

"Your little chat with your father resulted in me getting taken out of the football team. I was the best player on that goddamn team." Rusty said.

"Well that's debatable." One of his buddies said.

"Knock it off, Bryce." Rusty said. He put his attention back onto me. "I am going to make you feel the pain I felt losing my respectful place on the team. My throne. You're gonna feel all of it."

Rusty backed his arm up and made it into a fist. I pleaded with him not to do it but I was weak against several athletic men. He started throwing punches and his buds joined in and took turns kicking me in my side. I screamed and I cried out for help until I couldn't anymore.

Then, what seemed like an eternity, they stopped. I couldn't see much; the world was fading into black. The last thing I remembered seeing was Rusty mouthing the word 'whore' before getting up and leaving. Before I knew it, I closed my eyes and then....silence. 


When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. I heard my mom crying in the hallway. The doctor came in.

"Oh good, you're awake." The doctor said. I tried to lift myself up but winced in pain and a major headache. "It's best not to move right now. You have a lot of broken bones. But, you are lucky. Whoever did this to you almost shattered your ribcage. You'll be bedridden for awhile but you should recover fine."

"Oh my God...he tried to kill me." I said to myself in shock. Rusty was wanting to kill me. I was aware he wanted to hurt me but not kill.

"You have friends and family in the hallway. Should I let them in?" The doctor asked. I snapped out of my shocked woolgathering and answered the doctor.

"Yes, please do." I said. The doctor walked out and my mom, brother, and dad walked in. My mother ran up to me in tears.

"Who did this to you, sweetie?" She asked me. Her eyes were full of sadness and grief. My heart sank.

"I don't remember." I lied. I didn't want to but I figured that since the assault happened because of me ratting him out to my dad who just so happened to know Rusty's father quite well, anymore exposing and I could face even more deadlier consequences.

"Well, whoever did it. I hope they pay." My mother said to me.

"I just hope it isn't Beaufort McCarthy's son Russel. That little twerp'll have it coming big time if I find out he hurt my daughter." My dad said.

Jake held my hand in his and I smiled at him. My father stood there, rubbing his hand on my mother's back to soothe her. James, Frank, Patrick, and Nicole visited me frequently to make sure I was doing okay. I admired their presence there and it made me feel like I was in the least at a certain kind of normal. I do not remember how long I stayed in that hospital but I dreaded it and disliked it very much. It was hell. Fuck Russel 'Rusty' McCarthy.

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