Chapter Two

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Life at school was about the same as everyone else's. There was high school romance, boring but somewhat important subjects, food that was ok but not the best, and there were bullies, but overall it was the same as everyone else's experience.

I had a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship with the football quarterback Russel McCarthy, though everyone called him Rusty. He was the popular player on the team. Everyone including the coach was impressed with his good skills.

I didn't have many friends but I wasn't completely an outcast. I had about 2 or 3 friends. My best friend was Nicole Richards. She had been my best friend since 2nd grade. It was quite hard to separate the two of us...we were like peas in a pod. That was the type of friendship that we had.

Another friend of mine was James Null (who I met 2 years back). He was handsome, kind, and had a great sense of humor. Nicole had introduced me to him. He had come from a place called Willow Tree which he said was a nice and quiet little town that had its quirks. Me and Nicole had accepted him with open arms.

And lastly there was Patrick Thomaston. He was a new guy who I met first hand in the hallway where he was looking for Room 402 which was Biology class. Luckily, I also had that room for that period and so showed him the way. Me and him had become good friends. So that was my friends. Not many. Not alot. But just the right amount for me.

My teachers were interesting people. My biology teacher, Mrs. Sarandon, was a quieted person who everyone assumed was a witch due to her crazy appearance but she was kind and usually smelled of berries. On occasion though, she smelled of cotton candy which was irrevocably sweet and deafening but suited her personality type. She was a Virgo.

My reading teacher, Mr. Holland, was a lively person. Filled with energy, charisma, and a love for books. He was an incredible person and quite a sight to see at times.

My math teacher, Mrs. Leal, helped me with my struggle against math. I sucked at math. And due to her being as cool as she was. I passed Math class very nicely.

My history teacher, Mr. Williams, was a person who seemed like he spent his time after school stuck in a Victorian library reading up on the likes of Charles Dickens, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, and the sort.

My PE teacher, Mrs. Emerson, was kind and loving and caring. But also if she wanted you to get something done. You knew she wanted it done. That was my school life. It was interesting. It was just like everyone else's time.

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