Chapter Twelve

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The last time I saw Patrick was two weeks after Christmas ended. He and I took a trip to that park where I had gotten attacked by Rusty. I was afraid to go back, due to the memories but Patrick was right there beside me and helped me through that time. I was no longer afraid of that damn park.

Patrick moved soon after that trip to the park. He left me a note that had said to never be afraid to call him up. And with that lied his phone number. I kept it in my little phone book along with Frank's and James's and...Nicole's number was still in the book. I studied the number for a bit before grabbing my pen and marking her number out. Perhaps maybe it was a sign of me letting go of her completely, letting her spirit rest. Whatever it was, I did it....I did it for her.

Alas, it was a new year and I found myself in the guest bedroom, cleaning the dust from the bookshelf when I heard Grandpa wheezing my name. I looked over at him and knew immediately what was happening. I rushed out of the room and rallied up all the other members of the household and we all gathered around grandpa's bedside to wish him safe travels to the other side.

"It's....time...." Grandpa said and we stayed by his side. I took a look at Jake and saw tears streaming down his face. I wrapped my arm around him and held him in a sisterly kind of way. And for once, he didn't seem to want to break away due to my girlish antics. He embraced the affection. He needed it at this time of mourning. Grandpa looked over at my mom and spoke to her.

"Judith..." He said. My mom looked over at him in tears.

"Yes dad." She said. Grandpa smiled at her lovingly.

"You turned into such a beautiful woman. I am so very proud of you." Grandpa said.

"Dad....I..." My mom said, gasping for breath through the tears. My grandpa continued.

"I love you." He said smiling. My mom said it back to him. He then turned to my father. "Chuck..." My father turned to him.

"Yes, Barney?" He asked.

"Take care of my daughter. She loves you very much. You have two wonderful children. Take care of them." Grandpa said. My dad nodded. "Jack." Jake looked at him and corrected him.

"It's Jake." Jake corrected. I nudged him on the arm.

"Be nice to your sister. She's your only one. You two take care of each other. Siblings can be individualistic...but they are stronger once connected." Grandpa said. Jake nodded. Grandpa then looked at me. Somewhere deep in my core, I knew exactly what he was going to tell me.

"Remember the diamonds. They're still up there in the attic." Grandpa said. "Whether you believe me or not." Tears streamed down my eyes. For the first time, I heard diamonds and didn't even feel the need to tell him no. Perhaps there were diamonds up there in the attic. At this moment, I was fine with the probability of it being so. We all stood around Grandpa and, in tears, we watched him die. And even though we were mourning, somewhere something assured us that everything would be ok. It would be ok.

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