Chapter Four

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As I walked on in, Mr. Barrett greeted me with a greeting from France. It was rather lovely if you ask me.

"Bonjour Evelyn, ravie de vous voir." Mr. Barrett greeted. It translated to Good Morning Evelyn, Nice To See You.

I returned the favor by saying Good and You.

"Bien et toi?"

Mr. Barrett respected my understanding of French and said that he was doing splendidly.

I walked to my seat and sat down. Looked around the room and took the sight of everything in. It was a large and spacious room. And it felt like a home away from home if you ask me.

I grabbed out my stuff and got everything ready for what I was going to learn today. The board over at the end of the room opposite of me said we were going to be learning about Articulation. And underneath that word said ...and possibly some French.


And soon, after that class, I walked down the halls and opened my locker to see the phrase 'theater slut' to which I noticed people were standing around laughing. I immediately closed my locker and screamed the only question I wanted an answer to: who did this?

The crowd of students had no idea who had done it but found it amusing to say the least. The principal had been walking by and saw the graffiti and started hammering at all the students telling them to fess up immediately. None of them did. But later that day (around the time school was letting out) I found out who did.

It turned out to be none other than Rusty himself. I had caught him in the hallway talking to his football pals in secret. This is what went down. All the football players were cracking jokes and telling stories when one of them asked Rusty about me.

"I don't know, she seemed cool at first but she won't have sex with me because her parents want her to wait until marriage to fuck." Rusty said to which the other football players reacted in shock.

"You should break up with Eve. Look, I know this really hot chick named Julia Oswald and trust me, this girl is gonna leave high school and be a stripper. I'd give her money by the millions." One football player said.

"Yeah, I don't know. Sounds like she'd have crabs." Rusty said to which everyone started laughing. But then, as if it couldn't get any worst, Rusty finally said it.

"You know, Evelyn's tits are so small that she had to go to Theater just so she could get some. She's probably blowing the fucking teacher for free grades for all I know about the bitch. I don't know why I decided to get with her in the first place. Fucking theater whore." Rusty said. And that was the final straw that broke the camel's back.

"Rusty? What the hell!" I yelled at him. Rusty and his gang looked over at me in total surprise. I don't doubt that they weren't expecting me but alas, there I was. Also alas, there he was.

He tried to smooth things over by apologizing and telling me that it was all some grand mistake and that he was just cracking a joke. But I saw through him. I saw through the son of a bitch.

"We are so done! And you can go fuck yourself for all I care!" I said. He looked at me with anger raging in his eyes. I could see his lips moving, he was about to speak, but I cut him off and continued with what I said to him.

"You know, I figured that we weren't right for one another. But I hoped I was mistaken. But now I see that I am not." I told him. I looked him straight in the eyes and spoke the deadliest words I have ever spoken to someone. "Have fun with Julia Oswald you sick son of a bitch."

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