
Escape Room - Taegi

Taehyung finds himself locked in an unknown room and a strange voice forces him to play a cruel game of life or death. But not only his own life is in danger. The one behind the voice apparently captured Yoongi, and his bandmates lifespan is Taehyung's time limit.


A satisfying click echoed through the room when the door opened.

"What..." the voice asked but trailed off pouting.

"Never fuck with a gamer!" Taehyung growled.


Young Money - Jikook

Jungkook's place in the world of money had been determined since his birth. He never went against his partents' plans, seeing no point in opposing. When he met his future brother-in-law his structured life got an interesting but intimidating twist.

A rather smutty and fluffy Jikook-story with a seductive Jimin and a helpless Jungkook.


Love Formula - Jikook

Jungkook doesn't believe it when Taehyung and Namjoon tell him that love can be put into a formula of hormones, so the two psychology students agree to prove it to him. What Jungkook had not expected was that he would be the front man, and much less that his target would be the sport department's beauty Park Jimin. Nevertheless, he agrees to follow the plan the two psychology students have for him to prove that love can't be bound into an equation.

A short story about love and hormones.


Circus - Namjin

Namjoon is searching for something to fill the annoying little gap in his chest, but he does not know what he is searching for. Maybe the strange blue-haired magician from the circus that currently visits Seoul can help him find the answer to his question.


After Party Service

Yoongi's company is called when people need someone who can make the traces of last night vanish like nothing has happened. This book follows him and his colleagues through the funny and not so funny days of his work.


Beats by Heart – Yoonmin/Jikook

Jimin is about to graduate from Seoul University of Music, and for the graduation project it is tradition to pair up the dancer classes with the composer classes. He seems to be the lucky one for getting to work with the composers' genius Yoongi, but what he had not expected was the roller coaster of emotions he would have to go through on his way to a perfect performance.


The Fairy Series

This is a series of related One Shots.

Fairy Christmas: Taehyung has to spend Christmas in Seoul because his boss denied him a holiday, so he has low expectations for the Christmas day. But suddenly there is a rumble in his cupboard.

Valentine's Pay: Today nothing goes right for Taehyung, and something is fishy about the situation, but he can't put his finger on it

Easter Peck: Taehyung is about to have a leisurely Eastern with his shimmery roommates, but suddenly there is a pink-haired fuzz in his underwear.

There are more stories coming up, so stay tuned.


Spirit Series

Lemons: Spirit of mishap Namjoon wants Taehyung to have a bad day, but for some reason nothing can bother the weird blue-haired boy.

Strawberry: Matchmaker spirit Hoseok wants to match the eternal bachelor Kim Seokjin, but nothing seems to work.

Peaches: Jimin, spirit of lust, has found an interest in personal trainer Jungkook. Things escalate when he gets caught up too much in the human's pleasure.


Poffee Recipes

Everyone who knows my stories knows my Taegi-thingy. The Poffee. The peppermint coffee that pops up every time Taehyung and Yoongi are together.

In this little book I want to gather all the recipes I tried, so you can try the famous Poffee as well. It will be growing with every version I try and rate as good enough.


Poetic Randomness

Sometimes I have to get something out of my system, and that is when I write these texts. Some of them are quite good, so I decided to publish them. I hope they can entertain you, make you think, make you laugh and maybe make you cry.



Mission Moon [AHS book 3]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ