Ch 17- hit in the face

674 11 4

I get home Daniel wasn't there thank god my eye was throbbing so bad right now.

I really shouldn't be day dreaming in a game such as dodgeball or something.. test the kid got in trouble.. the jock football player I should say.

I walk in the kitchen grab an ice pack and a yogurt and went to the living room and sat on the couch and turned on the tv. I've been really loving this stranger things shows, eleven is amazing.

I heard the garage door opening signaling Daniel was home. Then the car door slam then the door to the house open.

"Chloe! I'm home" he calls

"I'm in the living room.." I say

He walks in the living room

"How was- " he begins saying but then notices the ice pack on my eye.

"What the hell happened" he says and approaches me and kneels down in front of me.

"A dodgeball hit my face, I was daydreaming" I say

He sighs "Chloe you should know better, did you hit your cheek?"

"I don't know there's no pain in my mouth" I mention

Well.. I was kind of lying at that statement there was a bit of pain at the beginning but it went away.

"At least you're mouth ain't hurting, let me get some cream and I'll put it on your eye" he says and stands up. Then walks to the kitchen.

I let out a sigh of relief.

He walks in a few minutes later with a cream a pill and a glass of water. He hands me the cup of water and tablet.

"This will help the pain" he says

Yes my black eye really hurt so that's why. No pain in my mouth what so ever, but like I said there was a bit of pain in my mouth when it first happened.

I take the meds then I felt a little bit of cold sensitivity on one of my teeth that wasn't there before. I made a face.
Shoot did I break a bracket or something on my braces, oh lord.

"Daniel there's something wrong in my mouth" I whine

He sighs

"Let me put the cream on your eye then I can look" Daniel says and opens the cream, I put the ice pack down and he dabs cream on my black eyes.

"Do you know who did this to you" he asks

"Some jock football player in my gym class named Josh" I say

"Did he get in trouble?" He asks

"I think so he was sent to the principals office" I say

"Okay" Daniel says "lay down and I'll look to find the source of the sensitivity" he says

I lay down he walks in the other room again. Then comes back with a pair of gloves.

"Get up and your gonna lay your head in my lap" he explains

I sit up and he sits behind me. I lay my head in his lap. He was sitting criss cross on the couch. It was a bit uncomfortable but oh well.

I open my Mouth and he takes a look inside my mouth.

"You chipped the tooth and the bracket on that tooth is loose, and it's moving up and down, we have to go to the office tomorrow morning to fix it okay?" Daniel says

"Okay" I say

Me and Daniel sat up and he tosses his gloves.

"I can make some soup for dinner" he says

"Sounds good" I say

He gets up and goes to the kitchen to make the soup.

A bit later we ate dinner then me and Daniel watched stranger things, I introduced him to stranger things and he loves it. We want to binge watch it but it was Monday night after all.

Then I went upstairs and showered? Brushed my teeth. I look in the mirror and look at my black eye.

I sigh.

I hate jock football players they are always mean.
I know I heard him laugh.
But then he got in trouble.

I went to bed. Tomorrow was Tuesday and I have to go to the office again. Ugh. The office is my least favorite place.

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