Ch 10- Mad cavity

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I was so nervous.. Daniel is taking me to his office and he is gonna be mad! He never expects me to have a cavity because I take perfect care of my teeth!

"I'm fine Daniel!" I whine

"You are obvious pain you are coming to my house so I can look at your tooth end of discussion!" He says

I stayed silent for the rest of the car ride

We arrive to the office, Daniel parks the car and gets out

"Come on" he says

I didn't wanna get out. I didn't listen to him.

"Chloe!" He yells startling me. I did wanna go back to the orphanage but there is a time limit. I already passed the time limit I can't go back sadly.

I tear up and get out of the car and follow him into the office.

We go tot he exam room I froze in my spot he was behind me and nudges me. "Chloe, I don't want to see you in pain"

"I'm not in pain!" I yell

He sighs

"Hop in the chair and I'll make this as quick as possible" he says and sits on his stool and taps on the chair.

I sigh knowing I ain't getting out of this, so I gathered enough courage to sit in the chair.

He immediately places a bib on me then washed his hands and applies his gloves, mask and dental loupes.

He then reclined me back and now was holding his mirror and explorer

This is the part I was gonna regret.

"I just wanna see what's bothering you, I don't have to fix it today if your really that uncomfortable" he says calmly

I roll my eyes

I open my mouth...

He slips his tools in my mouth and was now immediately looking for the problem tooth.

He taps on it...

I yelp... and shot up in the chair he was quick to remove his tools from my mouth...

He didn't say anything for a few minutes

"Chloe... please don't lie to me... how long was your tooth hurting" he says calmly

"A w-week" I say now staring to tear up more.

He sighs again

"You should of told me before it got this bad.." he says

"I don't want it fixed" I whine

"It needs to be fixed or you'll gonna be in a lot of pain and I'm not letting you get away with it" he says

"I don't want it done today" I say

"Your getting it done today and that's final, now lay back down please" he says

"Ugh fine! I want ice cream later!" I pout and lay back down.

"That's if you behave" He chuckles

"I will behave" I mumble

He picks up his mirror and explorer "open"

I open my mouth and let me observe the tooth. He didn't tap it though thank god.

He takes the tools out of my mouth. Then grabs a q-tip with pink numbing jelly on it.


I open my mouth again and let him run it on my gum like underneath the tooth.

"I'll let that sit for a min" he says and prepped the needle

Oh boy, this is gonna be interesting, I hate needles.

A few minutes pass.

"Alright open really wide and close your eyes, it shouldn't really hurt" he says now holding the needle.

I close my eyes and open really wide and he injects the needle.

It didn't really hurt.

"All done with the worst part, the rest of it won't hurt, I'll just give that a few minutes to set in" he says

A few minutes pass and half of my face was numb.

"I'm ready" I say

I open my mouth again and he grabs the drill and starts drilling the cavity. I try to stay calm throughout. He used water and suction occasionally and the mirror and explorer for progress.

He then mixes the composite and places it in my tooth and dries it with a special light then polished it then he finishes up and I was finally done.

He takes off the bib off me and removes his gloves and mask and returns the chair to normal state.

I stand up and exit the room and wait for Daniel to come out.

We get ice cream like he promised and we went hold and watched movies for the rest of the day and got pizza for dinner.

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