Ch 4- the checkup

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He lead me to the exam room. It had a dental chair, cabinets, a tray with tools and some other stuff.
I grew tense I stopped in my tracks.
"It's okay Chloe take your time" Daniel said calmly.
I take deep breaths and let go of his hand. I explore the room even sat on one of the stools in the room and spun around and giggled a bit.

He chuckled a bit too. "You like that stool?"
"Yea" I say

He pointed towards the dental chair. "That's where you'd it in the big girl seat"

"I don't wanna sit on that" I say

He sighs "sweetheart I can't give you a checkup whilst sitting on that"

I sigh. "Why not!"

"Because it will be really difficult" Daniel said

"Fine I'll sit in the big chair" I sigh and sit in the bigger chair.
"Thank you sweetheart" he says
He places a bib on me.
"This is just to make sure you don't get any saliva or anything else on your clothes" he explains
I nod and look at the bib and play with it a bit.

He washes his hands and applies a mask, dental loupes and his gloves then reclined the chair which made me jump.

"It's okay.. I'm just reclining the chair it's gonna be like your laying in a bed" he says

" okay" I sigh

He then picks up two tools, one was a mirror and one was an explorer
I start to freak out "what are those"

"This is my mirror and explorer they help me look around your mouth nothing else it won't hurt" he says

"Oh" I say

"Could you say ahhh" he says

I say ahh and open my mouth and he puts his tools in my mouth and began looking around my mouth.
He looked at my teeth and tapped each one.
Luckily no pain which made me happy.

"Wow your teeth are beautiful" he says

I blush a bit. He takes the tools out once he was done.
"Now I'm just gonna brush your teeth what kind of toothpaste you want, I got watermelon, mint, bubblegum, and cookie dough" he says

"Cookie dough" I say

He grabs the small pod of toothpaste and opened it and dabs the electric toothbrush in it.
"Open" he says
He begins brushing my teeth in small delicate circles. He got every edge and side then used water and suction to rinse. Then he even flosses my teeth for me which  made my gums sore because I never floss.
"Your gums are a bit tender do you floss everyday?" He asks out of curiosity.
"Sometimes" I say

He throws the floss away and returns the chair to normal state
He lowers his mask and grabs a lead jacket and places it over me
"I need to take xrays and this protects you from radiation." He says
"Oh" I giggle
He then grabs a bite wing film.
"Open" he says
He places it in the position it is in and tells me to bite down which I did.
There was a giant camera placed next to my face. He goes out of the room for a second and I heard a buzzing noise. Then he comes and takes the film out and does the other side.
He finally finishes then takes the lead jacket off.
He then looks at the computer I turn around and look at the screen, it shown my xrays of my teeth which were kind of weird but it was interesting.

"Does everything look good?" I ask

"Yea.." he says questioning himself

"Are you sure?" I say getting worried

"You don't have straight teeth first of all you may need braces in the future, have you lost all your baby teeth yet?" He asks

"Uhh I think" I say

"It shows on the xrays that you still have two of them" he says

"So?" I say

"They need to come out, before you get braces in a few years" he says

"I don't want braces" I whine

"It's not for a few years sweetheart" he says

"Okay" I say and look down

"At least you don't have a cavity" he says

"Thank god" I giggle, I was bad in the orphanage I had a bunch of sweet stuff and soda. Which I won't tell him about.

"Yea" he says

He removes his gloves and mask puts the tool in a dirty tools container to be cleaned and he removed my bib and let me get up.

"See it wasn't that bad" he says

"No it wasn't" I say

"Now we can go to the mall" he says

"Yay!" I say excitingly as we walk out of the office and he locks up and we head to the car and began our drive to the mall

Adopted by a dentist 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant