Ch 8- Scared

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The morning I am supposed to get my teeth fixed was a stormy one.. my mom said I was allowed to skip school because I was about to go through quite a bit of pain.

It was 7:55 am and I was still laying in bed my appointment was at 9:00 am.

I decide to sit up in bed then a huge crash of thunder shook my room.. scaring me a bit.

I was so nervous for today... I haven't had any teeth fixed since the other one... it hurt really bad.. I knew I was gonna be in pain.. so I have to mentally prepare myself for the worst... I might put up a fight... I don't want anyone hurting me again...

I get out of bed out of my warm comfortable. I went to my dresser grabbing some sweatpants and a baggie sweatshirt and head to the bathroom to get changed. I also brush and floss my teeth really good and use mouthwash and did my hair.. into a French side braid.. I grab some socks and put them on and head downstairs..

Dad was at the kitchen table reading the paper.

"Hey dad" I say

"Hey sweetie you okay?" He asked

"I guess just a bit nervous for today" I say and sit down on one of the chairs, not hungry at all.

"Aren't you hungry?" Dad asks

"No, wait.. where's mom?" I ask

"She had to go to work" he says

My mom was a nurse and she had to work a lot.

"Oh" I say

"So I'll be taking you to your appointment" dad says

"Okay" I say

A little bit later me and dad got in the car to go to the dentist.

We arrive to the office and park the car, get out and finally lock it.
We head inside and check in.

5 minutes later the door to the back opens. "Lola Wheeler" he says, it was not Daniel it was some other person.
I stood up and approach him. "Your not Dr. Miller?"
"Oh, he's waiting for us in the exam room by the way I'm Tyler Willows" he says

"Oh, i saw your plaque on the wall.. are you a dentist too?" I ask

He leads me on back.

"Yes, but I'm assisting Dr. Miller today" he says

"Oh okay" I sigh

We arrive to the room. "Hello! Lola good morning good to see you" Daniel said in a happy tone

"Hi Daniel" I sigh and take a seat in the chair

Tyler sits on the other stool on the other side of the chair.
"Are you ready to get those teeth fixed?" Daniel asked

I went silent

"Lola.. are you okay?" Tyler says

I was on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Lola?" Daniel asks calmly

I started breathing heavily and shaking.

"She's having a panic attack" Tyler says

"Lola.. take deep breaths.. try to calm down sweetheart" Daniel said

I look at Daniel with tears in my eyes. "Please don't make me go through this... m-my last D-dentist didn't n-numb me"

"Oh.. lola I am so sorry.. we will numb you.. and you won't feel anything" Daniel said

"Just try to relax.." Tyler said

I sniffle and start to calm down.
Daniel places a bib on me.

"Are you doing alright now?" Daniel asks

"Y-Yea" I say

"Are u ready?" Daniel asks

"Y-Yea" I sniffle and try to get as comfortable as possible.

He reclined me back and Daniel and Tyler puts there gloves and mask on and Daniel put his dental loupes on.

"Could you open really wide?" He asks holding a qtip with jelly.

I open really wide and Daniel put the numbing jelly on all 3 of the teeth.

He finishes

"It's gonna feel tingly but that's normal" Daniel says prepping the 3 needles

I gulp. I hate needles.

"These might pinch a little but close your eyes and it will be over soon" Daniel explains

I open really wide.

Daniel injects the first needle. I flinch a bit  but it wasn't bad.
He proceeded with the last two needles and soon enough it was done.
"You can open your eyes now" Tyler said

Soon half of my face went numb.
"This feels weird" I say

"Yea it's gonna, I'm just gonna let that sit in for a few minutes" Daniel says now prepping the other things
"So it's not gonna hurt?" I question

"No it isn't you'll be fine" Daniel says

A few minutes pass....

"Okay are you ready?" He asks

I nod

"Okay open wide" Daniel says

I open wide and close my eyes, I feel the drill come in contact with my mouth, but no pain thankfully.

This whole procedure goes on for an hour and soon enough the chair returns to normal state and my bib was taken off and Daniel and Tyler take their gloves and mask off.

"You did very well" Daniel said and washes his hands

"It wasn't too bad" I say

I get up and Tyler leads me out to my dad.

Me and my dad go home we stop and get ice cream on the way home.

It was really good...

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