Ch 1- adopted

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It was a normal day.. it was October 21st.. not sure what year I think 2008? 2009? I'm not sure..
I was in my last class for the day.. I was playing with my gold necklace I wore everyday.. I never took it off.. it's the only thing my parents gave me and a picture of them.. they said they loved me until one day they got in a car crash while I was at school and I was sent here.. that was a few years ago I been here since I was 6 years old.
I was doing my school work once the bell rang I put my school work in the turn in box.. then grabbed my bag and proceeded to my locker and grabbed my jacket.
Then I head out down the stairs and to the exit of the building. That's where I start to walk back to the orphanage.. it was a short walk. It was a breezy chilly day and it was overcast.

I soon arrive to the orphanage and walk in there stood Miss. Sophia the lady who ran the orphanage.
"Chloe! Go do your homework and then come downstairs to clean!" She scolded
I roll my eyes and head upstairs to the room where I shared with 3 other girls.
Lilly, Anne and Jenna. I got along with them okay, but Lilly who is the oldest in the room, can be mean, and she is 15.
I set my stuff down and proceed to my homework. Lilly was doing hers. Anne was doing something else and Jenna was not in the room.
I hurry and finished my homework and head downstairs and go to clean when I saw miss. Sophia talking to a man who appeared to be in his twenties. The man looked at me and smiles. I brush him off and head to the kitchen and start cleaning, I start by doing dishes when miss Sophia calls me. I go back to where she was and the man was still standing there.
"This man wants to adopt you" she says
The man smiles "hello"
"Hi" I say in a cold hearted manner. I knew something wouldn't work out.

"I would like to adopt you Chloe" he says

"Why?" I question

"Your cute and adorable" he said cheerfully showing his blindingly white teeth.

I blushed. "Okay but why me"

"Your the perfect age and the other girls here don't seem my type" he said

"Who are you?" I question

"Oh. Sorry my name is Dr. Daniel Miller"

"Oh. That's a nice name" I say

"So chloe go pack up your things and me and Daniel will go do your forms okay?" Miss Sophia said

I went upstairs and start packing my things. Lilly was giving me flares but I didn't care because she gives everyone looks.
After I'm done I say goodbye to my roommates which I knew they really didn't care about me and head back downstairs and sat on the steps with my duffel bag and bookbag. I didn't have a lot of stuff.
I was wearing my necklace and a oversized hoodie and leggings and worn out shoes. Miss Sophia never really bought us anything she always kept it for herself. My long blonde hair was in two braids.

Daniel and miss Sophia wall out of the office and Daniel smiles at me again.
"Are you ready to go Chloe" he says
"Yea" I say and ick up my bag but he grabs my other bag and helps me carry it
We go to his car he put my stuff in his trunk.
He had a Jeep Wrangler in dark blue.
He gets in his driver side and starts up the car
"So your Chloe.. Davis.." he says
"Yea.." I say shyly
"So what do you like?" He asks
"Plenty of things, animals, coloring" I say
"That's cool" he says

He began driving.

"What's your job since your name had dr. In it" I question

"Oh.. I'm a dentist.." he says

"That's cool.." I say

I never went to a dentist in my life.. I'm in for a treat..

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