Ch 15- braces

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(A/n) as this book is not really my favorites to write, it's gonna be a shorter book, around 20 chapters. Thank you



The day I get my braces.. the day I've been regretting.. braces are gonna hurt.. they are gonna be annoying.. I can't eat my favorite foods.. I wonder how this day is gonna play out.
I get up for the day. I roll over in bed groaning I did not wanna get up.. but luckily Daniel is letting me take the day off because I'm getting braces today.

I heard a knock on my door. "Chloe time to get up" I hear Daniel say

"I know" I say and roll over again and grab my phone. It was only 8:15. Oh come on why do I have to get up early. Maybe I have to go with him to his office today.

I get out of beds fo to my wardrobe and grab some clothes. I open the door revealing Daniel who looked ready to go.

"Can I shower?" I ask

"Be quick" he says

I sigh and slide past him and take a quick shower.

15 min later I was walking downstairs all showered and brushed teeth and was ready to go. I slide on my shoes then grab a banana and eat it quickly then me and Daniel leave for the office.

We soon arrive and get out of the car and head inside. Then we headed on back and waited in the exam room for Caleb. I think Caleb likes to take his time.

Soon enough Caleb comes in the room with his tray of tools.
"Big day" he says and sets the tray down. Daniel sits in one of the chairs in the corner of the room.

"I guess" I say

He washes his hands and applies gloves and mask and sits on the stool. Then positions the light and reclined me back. He lastly places a bib on me.

"First of all Chloe I'm gonna have to use a mouth prop it may be uncomfortable but it's to help me get to your back teeth" he says and picks it up

I nod

He places it in my mouth. He began his work. He first of all gives my teeth a good cleaning. Then he dries my teeth till they were bone dry and there was no moisture in my mouth. Then he now holds a syringe of glue. I start freaking out.
"Chloe I am not injecting it I'm just gonna place a tiny dot of glue on your tooth before I put a bracket on then I'm gonna use a special light to dry it" he explains

I sigh in relief

He began the process.

Half hour later the top brackets were glued on my teeth. They sure felt weird. I still didn't want braces.

Another half hour later the bottom brackets were glued on my teeth.

He takes the mouth prop out.

"I'll give you a small break before fitting the bands and wire, by the way what color bands do you want?" He says handing me a chart of different colored bands I could get.

"Could you do purple for too, light blue for bottom" I say

"Sure" Caleb says

Daniel looks at his phone most of the time but peers every 5 minutes or so.

Caleb grabs the bands and wire and gives me a break before inserting the mouth prop again. He puts the bands on with a special tool. Then puts wire on. I see why braces hurt.

He takes the mouth prop out once I was done and has me rub my tongue along my teeth to make sure wire wasn't poking. Good thing there was no wire poking.

Finally the chair and light were returned to normal position. Then I was let out of the chair. Of course Daniel stood up and had me smile. He gave me a goofy grin which made me chuckle.

Caleb takes his gloves and mask off. Then takes the tray of used tools and leave the room. Me and Daniel leave the office.

Me and Daniel get smoothies. For me being so brave at the dentist.

I hate the braces already..

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