8. We all have a hunger.

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Chapter 8: We all have a hunger. I need to fucking feel alive again.

The dice rolled onto a double number and I gasped with incredulous face at my father.

"You're cheating, aren't you, dad?! There's just no way!"

He laughed mischievously and moved his piece up further up the game; two more lucky turns and he'd win this game. "My dear, it's like you're parroting your mother, right down to the words. How can you both have such little faith in me whenever I play this game? It's offending!"

I clicked my tongue as I played my turn. "I've got my eye on you!" I played but it was a terrible roll, and I was certain I was going to lose this game. I gave him wary looks and glares and he just smiled at me. However,

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed, grinning from ear to ear. "Who's winning now?" His two rolls were terrible and I had caught up to him. In another turn, I had surpassed him so I looked up at him smugly. I'd won, but he was fondly watching me.

"That's my girl," he said with an affectionate grin, reaching out to playfully flick my nose and I blinked at him, making a face.

"You totally did that on purpose, didn't you?" I asked him but I still couldn't help my smile. If I really had won because he let me, I was still happy. It was such a cute thing to do, and nobody had done that for me since I was perhaps a little kid.

"What, you have no faith in me at all, but you must have some faith in yourself, Nora!" He said with a fake surprised expression. "My daughter can win any game she wants to, and if she doesn't it's fine."

"How's it fine?" I asked, curious about what sweet words he'd have in store for me. I wasn't disappointed.

"Then I'll win it for you, my girl."

I giggled and he furrowed his brows exaggeratedly. "What, is that not what you wanted?"

I shook my head. "No, I love it."

But he shook his head as well and leaned in towards me, as if speaking a secret. "But Kaira would be mad right now."

I tilted my head. "Why's that?"

"Well, she'd have wanted something else."


As I worried about it, my dad reached his hand out and covered my own that was resting idly on the table.

"That if you ever feel down, what I must do is... I'll stand with you, to comfort you and encourage you until you feel better. Until you win the game. That's what Kaira told me to do, and I doubt she was wrong." He smiled fondly and I was silent.

Wasn't he too perfect? Why is he so nice? Is it because it's how he was written?

...Why wasn't my dad like this?

Why did my dad only ever make me feel incompetent and worthless for most of my life? Why wasn't I ever good enough? Why couldn't I ever make him proud?

...Why did he abandon our relationship?

I needed him... I needed his love, his understanding. Not his judgement. The world is going to judge me anyway... then where am I accepted as I am...?

Ah shit. I'm whining again, aren't I? Fuck. Whatever.

"What is it, my dear?" He asked, a line of concern tracing his face. I felt it a burden to speak, suddenly but I took in a breath. I am not judged here... No matter how I am... no matter how pathetic I am or a sore loser... I am home. He won't leave me. My dad won't leave me again. He won't look at me as if I'm flawed, or worthless. I matter... I do matter to him. So...

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