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(TW: man trying to force sex on woman, don't worry nothing bad happens)

It had been weeks since the Hogsmeade trip, now it was late November and Christmas was going to be soon.

I didn't have any immediate family to stay with, so I knew I'd be staying at Hogwarts.

Well I did have bit of a found family here, although parents who were alive would've been better.

That memory didn't sting as much as it used to. In all honesty I forgot about it. They died when I was young, and it was something I didn't think anyone else would relate to.

I didn't ask Remus if he would stay with me. I didn't want to be the girlfriend who forced her boyfriend to stay with her instead of his family.

Even thinking the word girlfriend made my stomach jump. It was amazing to live in that high.

I was wanted and he was wanted. And we were both ... together.

I never was able to grasp that concept. Being wanted. And I didn't have time too.

As I walked down the corridor the twins frantically waved me over. Well one did.

"George," I nodded to him as I walked over.

I then looked over at the window he was standing at to see a Fred standing outside it, "Fred."

He clutched on with little care for if he fell, but I kept a careful eye on him. I knew he had something planned yet I could never be too suspicious of those twins. And their poorly executed pranks.

"Ms. Reeves, do you think you can help me with a prank?" George asked.

Fred waved to casually then simply jumped.

I threw myself to the window to watch in horror as he flew down. George shrugged and picked up a bucket.

Then he shot up ... on a broom.

Of course.

He flew into the mountainous range, somewhere by a muggle town. To get supplies he couldn't find in the castle no doubt.

My heart rate slowly began to beat at a normal pace as George continued, "Freddie's getting supplies," as I suspected, "I need your help with a prank for Snape."

"What would be in it for me? I'm a teacher, if I get caught my punishment would be much worse than yours." I felt myself lean against the glass, although I moved when I looked over my shoulder to the ground below.

Heights made my head spin. Not as bad as confined small broom closets.

"You won't get caught. If a teacher comes you can walk away. Honestly Ms. Reeves use your brain!" George scoffed and took out his wand, "And you can mess around with Snape."

My eyes wandered from my hands to George, he was a bit more reckless than I thought. I always thought Fred was a bit more unhinged, but then I realized they're both unhinged. Although George toned it down a bit when Fred was around.

I groaned after a bit of thinking and pulled out my own wand, "Very well, I can help you."

George immediately high fived me, then he grabbed my hand and rushed down the hall.

The stairs moved away just as he tried to step on one. So he forced us to walk all the way around the corridor to another set of stairs leading the same way.

It would have been so much simpler to wait for the stairs to swivel back to our area.

"But I must tell you, I can't stay for long," I panted as he finally slowed down outside of Snape's classroom, "there's some teachers meeting about Diggory's prank."

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