A Pot

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I sat in my room. Quality time was a bit hard to get. I loved spending time with Remus, I did, but every once in a while I needed to recharge.

In my hands was a book. In all honesty I wasn't reading, I was zoned out. Thinking about some color.

The book was about plants. Neville had recommended it to me. I wasn't very good at keeping up with reading but I would try for him.

He didn't seem to have many friends and I knew it would make him happy if we shared a common interest.

I thought Neville was the sweetest. Although he seemed to have a massive crush on Luna. And Luna seemed to have a massive crush on Ginny.

Something suddenly scratched at the door.

My first thought was Remus, then my mind went to Sirius. Since he could sneak around as a shaggy black dog, one I had the pleasure of talking to like a mad man.

Sirius had been a bit stressed as of late. He hadn't told me much but apparently he had found his brothers location.

Now it was all about talking to him. Apparently they didn't have the best relationship when he left.

I got up and grabbed a shirt Remus had left here. It was more of a coat, plaid and red.

The coat was about halfway buttoned up when something scratched at the door again.

I walked to the door and opened it slightly.

There I saw Remus, with some kind of pot in his arms and a small smile on his face.

"Is it too late for dinner?" He asked as I pushed the door open more for him to come in.

"Dinner? I thought you already ate." I had completely forgot I skipped the dinner to get ahead on my me time.

"I did. But tonight marks the four months of our relationship, so I snuck in some food for the both of us." Remus set his pot on the night stand by my bed.

He turned back to look at me with a wide smile. I furrowed my eyebrows and watched him. He simply just looked at me.

"Is that my shirt?" Remus asked smiling.

"Well you did leave it here." I felt my hands turn hot with embarrassment. Although I wasn't sure about what shade of red my face would be.

"So you were just going to sleep in my coat?" He laughed.

Remus walked over to where I stood, by the door. And he pushed a misplaced strand of hair back behind my ear.

"Probably," I shrugged.

A lock of Remus's hair fell forward into his eyes, as he was turning his head forward. I reached up and pushed it out of his face with ease. Although I did have to stretch a bit.

Damn you height and how unfavorable being shorter than him was.

I wanted to be as tall as Remus, so I could cup his face in my hands and look at his face without either of us having to stretch.

"Now, food?" Remus asked, his hand trailed from my ear to my shoulder. Where he led me to the bed.

"Thank you. I'm starving." I sat down.

"What's in there?" I asked after a second of thought.

"Oh, well that's easy," he paused and opened the lid, but he closed the lid promptly after staring into the pot for a minute.

Remus looked from the pot to me, ".. I thought there was something in there." He mumbled.

I couldn't help but smile. This all made me happy. Very happy.

Remus looked over at me with a bit of confusion. He must've expected disappointment, not someone on the brink of laughter.

"Sorry," He smiled apologetically and sat down next to me. The bed sunk in a bit and fell backwards in laughter.

"Don't be sorry!" I said in between laughs, "I mean really all that matter is that you tried to steal me food!" I giggled.

Remus leaned down on his side. His embarrassed, apologetic smile was morphing into his normal, goofy, grin.

"You're not mad?" He asked.

"No!" I threw my arms up in the air with a bit of a shout.

My head turned to his, although I didn't realize our heads were that close. I felt my eyes widen a bit and I lowered my voice, "Why would I be mad?"

It was almost when we first met. When we were close to holding each other close but we were too awkward. Now we weren't awkward, we were close.

"I sort of messed up the 'grand' gesture of our fourth months together." Remus whispered.

Did he not understand he could simply give me a horribly boring book of spells for our four months and I would love it?

"You could get me a ... a bee—" I started.

"A bee?" Remus burst out laughing.

"Yes a bee," I lightly hit his shoulder, my hand rested there and began to rub small circles, "and I would love it. I would become the best bee care taker in the world."

He looked away. The gears were turning about in his head, until he finally said, "We should go into town—" I interrupted him.

"Hogsmeade?" I asked.

"No," he smiled, "a muggle town. And eat at a restaurant. No magic." Remus sat up and went into my drawers of clothes.

He grabbed a dress I hadn't worn in ages. It was a faded green color and came to my knees. The skirt didn't flow per say, but it wasn't so tight that I would barely be able to walk in it.

It had thin sleeves that came to my shoulders and a neckline that wasn't too plunging. Then Remus grabbed a long snake necklace. One that did plunge.

"Like a real Slytherin queen." He chuckled, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed.

"It's a bit fancy," I said.

Remus began to un button the coat.

When I grabbed his hand he looked up at me, he looked at bit confused. He stared at me for a second before he read my expression.

"Well you weren't going to start to get changed were you?" He paused then stood back, "I'm not very interested in your naked body I'll have you know." He turned away and sat back down on the bed.

"I'm not interested in yours either." I smiled and unbuttoned the coat.

I was able to get the dress on. With a few half jumps and shimmying.

With it on it wasn't as fancy looking as I thought, it was more casual.

"Could you ..?" I held up the snake necklace.

Remus got up dramatically and pushed aside some of my hair. I had just freshly cut it the day before so it was the length I preferred it at. Short.

"Is this what your wearing?" I asked curiously when he finished clipping the necklace together.

"Yes, it's casual enough that I could blend in with muggles." Remus pointed down to his outfit.

A brown, more thin, sweater. With a brown and black sweater vest. And black pants that weren't too worn looking.

"It's an amazing outfit." I said.

I went into my drawers and grabbed a vine colored sweater that would pair perfectly with the dress. Not to mention I was quite cold in it.

Remus pushed more hair out of my face, as I fiddled with my sweater in the mirror.

He placed a kiss on my temple then whispered, "Shall we?"

I almost fell leaving my room.

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