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Merewen and Legolas wed not many months later. They lived happily together for a long, long time. Merewen did not know, but she influenced Legolas’ choice to go on the mission to Mordor and help destroy the ring of power.

She was strong and loving and she had a great heart. Her death, and the death of their child, Finarfin, during his birth, not many years before the perilous journey, set Legolas on a self-destructive rampage until she came to him in his dreams.

“Legolas, my love,” she said, “if you have a heart for me at all, you will realize that I went through similar heartbreak in my life and survived. If you continue this way you will not survive the perils to come. You are meant for great things, my love. You must put this aside, but not behind you. You must realize that though I am gone, it is not eternal. I love you, Legolas. Love is what you need to continue in this world. There will be a choice ahead of you, you must take the right one. You must do what is right, do what I would do.”

She faded in that dream, and Legolas, afterwards, remembered only that she loved him. He ceased his rampage and learned to coexist with others better than ever before.

When it came time for him to help bring the Ring of Power to Mordor, Legolas knew what she meant. He followed through and came out victorious. Legolas Greenleaf never took another wife, Merewen was the only one his heart could see.


Inwe stayed with Haldir through the rest of his days. Shortly after Legolas parted with the Ring bearer from Lothlorien, Haldir followed to assist with the Battle of Helm’s Deep. Moments before his last breath, Inwe felt in her heart that something was terribly wrong.

Haldir’s spirit whisked by her as she wept and she instantly stopped, knowing he was destined to be reborn and that they would continue their lives together as though nothing had ever happened.

After Inwe had passed over the water, Haldir was reborn. He came back to her with news of Merewen. They had two children, a boy and a girl whom they affectionately named Merewen and Elladan.


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