Chapter 12

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“Inwe watch out behind you!” screamed Haldir at me. I twirled around to see six giant spiders all advancing on us. ‘Excellent!’ I thought to myself. ‘This is an excellent way to vent.’ I didn’t care about the fact that I had stolen Haldir’s sword, for I had other things upon my mind.

The spiders were huge and faster than they appeared. I was having no trouble, however, destroying them one by one, but they began to overpower me by the power of pure numbers. I glanced briefly over to Haldir, who was having difficulties using only his bow, so I yelled at him to catch his sword, which I threw into the air, and he caught it, sending me a thankful look. However, this moment of concentration loss was all that it took, one of the spiders jumped from one of the nearby trees and onto my back, biting ruthlessly into my neck. This was how they attacked, they would poison their prey so they could no longer fight them, but I was, in no way, going to let them do this to me.

I could feel the poison rushing through my veins telling me to stop, but my mind was not going to give up that easily. I kept fighting, even to the amazement of Haldir who watched it happen and was amazed that I was still going at peak performance. We decided that it was best to fight together, if we ever wanted out of this. We worked quite well together, slowly defeating all the spiders.

When they were all gone, I allowed myself to drop to the ground, a little way away from the battlefield. “Inwe, are you alright?” questioned Haldir who carried a worried expression across his face.

“I am fine! Why are you worrying so?”

“Because that dose should have knocked out an Oliphant. Yet you are still going.” It dawned on me that what he was saying was true, but I didn’t care. All I cared about was the adrenaline running through my body and the desire I felt for Haldir.

I, once more, threw myself at Haldir, and this time he didn’t pull away. I could sense his apprehension, but did not cease. The kiss was full of raw lust and desire. Haldir was now no longer questioning whether I desired him or not, he just gave into the fact that we had survived something that many had not. We began tearing at each other’s clothes, soon both of us were entirely naked, and we were making love. Not the love that is savoured and sweet, but the love that is entirely based upon lust.

We laid in each other's arms for a while, until Haldir felt a wave of guilt wash over him telling himself. ‘I saw her a little while ago. She was not herself. And now I have gone and taken advantage of her.’

Haldir dressed quickly and urged me to do the same, which I did, though it took a fair bit of persuasion. Haldir helped me to the horses that were, surprisingly, still where they had been left. I was now feeling the effects of the poison, though not entirely, which confused Haldir to no end. We mounted the horses and headed back to Lothlorien, not even aware of the predicament in which that Elladan, Elrohir and Merewen had fallen.

We arrived at the palace, and Haldir immediately brought me to the healers; by this time I had passed out. The healers managed to remove the poison, telling Haldir that it was amazing how little the poison had affected me thus far. They told him I was to be all right, I just needed to get some rest.


They left me alone, for I could no longer sense anyone in the room. I was grateful, for I had emotions and horrible thoughts running through my confused mind. I managed to somehow awaken and stand up, slowly making my way over to the balcony. I had the thought running through my mind that no one truly cared for me now that Helas was gone. That my existence was pointless without those who I believed cared about me, but where were they now, obviously not with me.

“I don’t need Helas, Merewen, Elladan, Elrohir, Elrond, or Haldir… or anyone for that matter, any longer!” I declared.

I stepped up onto the ledge of the balcony, gazing downward not fazed whatsoever at the distance. ‘It would be so easy to just end it now!’ I thought, until a voice said, ‘Inwe, this is no way to act, for you have a gift that many desire greatly to have. Don’t end your life now, for you have so much potential. You can master your power, Inwe, and become great, but you must stop your emotions from running amok inside you, for I can already sense your powers leaving you. Please, just get down of the ledge!’ The voice was no other than Lady Galadriel, and the realization that my powers were leaving me was no help. It only gave me more reason to leave this world behind the easiest way I could find: down!

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