Chapter 6

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I surprised myself when I took orders from Elladan, though mostly because I knew that he knew what he was doing. I was running around the camp frantically searching for something to fuel the fire, this proved to be a hard task indeed, for everything was wet. I was about to throw my cloak upon the fire when there was a spark. I took great care to not put the fire out, for Merewen needed the heat badly.

I glanced over at Elladan and Merewen, they were underneath a blanket both entirely naked. ‘Merewen’s going to freak out when she wakes up to see Elladan draped all over her like that!’ I thought to myself, and then continued to take care of the fire. Elladan informed me that she was coming around; this only made me work faster. I started to get some water to boil in order to keep Merewen warm when she had awakened.

I noticed that Merewen was awake, and rushed over to her. I told her that she was a terror for doing this to us. I was worried so much about Merewen I had forgotten, for a time, about my other worries. I made sure Elladan kept Merewen warm while I prepared the tea, though I am sure that Elladan was more than happy where he was, anyway. I was surprised by the fact that Merewen almost invited Elladan to stay where he was, for I was sure she was going to scream at him or yell something about being taken advantage of, but I was proven wrong.

The tea was done, and I quickly brought it over to Merewen, who was having trouble sitting up. Elladan scooted behind her and let her lean on him. After, the ordeal with the tea was done, which took quite a while, for Merewen was having difficulties swallowing, which Elladan quickly remedied, the other members of the party bustled around us doing random activities, none taking rest or talking to myself or Elladan and Merewen. I retrieved Elladan some new clothes for Merewen, and helped him get her dressed once more. It was quite the sight to see: Merewen in about four layers of clothes sitting in Elladan’s lap. I could tell that she was tired, for she almost fell asleep five times, but Elladan kept his word and managed to keep her awake.

After, we decided that it was all right to move on, the camp packed up and Merewen was placed atop of a horse as not to burden anyone with her slowness. The farther we got into Lothlorien the warmer it got, for which we were all thankful, though the fact that the Guard that usually patrolled the woods had yet to stop us, was surprising. I thought for sure there would have been someone, anyone, but there was no one. We all mounted our horses, and we set off with a faster speed in hopes to get to the palace faster. Elladan had mounted behind Merewen, and I glanced back to see her sleeping soundly, leaning back on him.

The further we got into Lothlorien the more of a bad feeling I could sense. I knew some sort of evil was at work, though I didn’t know what. I heard Merewen, moan slightly and awaken, she must have sensed something as well. “Merewen, what is it? Do you sense something?” I questioned.

“Yes, I can sense many emotions, though none of them cheerful in the least. They are full of fear and a great sadness.” I took this information to resolve that my feeling was accurate. “Come, we must hasten, for I fear what we may find.”

When we reached the city, there was not a single sole out wandering. I also noticed that the Gardens had not been tended in some time. ‘What has happened here?’ I thought to myself. It was most unusual for Lorien to be in such a state. Many thoughts were swimming around in my head, when I saw an elf poke their head through the window and then turn back into the room.

“What business do you have in Lorien?” came a voice from a balcony above us.

“We have come to see what has befallen the great city,” I answered sounding as diplomatic as I could.

“And who, may I ask, are you?”

“My name is Inwe Elanesse, and I have a party of friends from Rivendell as well. There are Elladan and Elrohir, Elrond’s sons, and Merewen of Mirkwood!”

“Very well. Don’t move; I will be down in a minute,” answered the voice, I simply blinked, and the figure was gone. I glanced around the party; everyone was looking at each other with confusion spread across their faces.

The figure then appeared in front of us and signaled us to follow. We followed cautiously, Elladan carrying Merewen, who was almost asleep again. ‘Honestly, that girl could sleep though anything,’ I thought to myself.

“I will leave you here. The Lady will be down to see you in a minute, for she can tell you what has befallen Lorien!” And he left.

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