Chapter 8

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I could not believe the news that I had received from Galadriel. It was too hard to believe that Celeborn was gone, just like that, an immortal flame was extinguished. Also, the news of the soldiers being sent out needlessly to fend off the impending danger was horrible, Helas being one of them. It made my blood run cold in my veins. I cursed the Lady Galadriel for not knowing better.

I normally would not let anyone comfort me, but I allowed Merewen to do so after I told her, Elladan, and Elrohir. I laughed to myself thinking, ‘Usually I am the one comforting Merewen.’ But it was a nice change. We all vowed to each other to find out what exactly had been plaguing the fair woods. First, I personally had to see Helas; I needed to make sure he was all right. Merewen asked Elladan and Elrohir to use their royal power to help me in this, and it worked, although the healers didn’t like the idea.

I walked into the room and was shocked at what I saw, I saw a pale, motionless Helas lying in the middle of a huge bed. I walked up to his side, and his eyes flicked open. “What are you doing here? Were you not here earlier and the healers told you to be gone?”

“Yes I was here earlier, for I wanted to see to desperately you, Helas. It has been long since we have seen each other.”

“Get out!” he bellowed at me, “I have never seen you before.” I could feel tears forming in my eyes from this comment, though I just kept telling myself, ‘He has no idea what he is saying. He really does love you.’

“Please Helas. Try! Try to remember me; you do know me. My name is Inwe. Please try.” His eyes softened for a moment as though he remembered something, but he pushed it away.

“Be gone! Now!” He yelled, I started to back my way out of the room, and whispered as I slipped through the doors.

“I love you Helas, please come back to me!”

I fled from the room heading towards the Garden, even though it was not tended, it was still beautiful. I needed to compose myself; I didn’t want Merewen to see me like this again. I walked for a time when I came across the archery range, where I saw Haldir the Captain of the Guard giving instructions to his soldiers. I stood on the top of the stairs watching for a while, when Haldir looked straight up at me. I gave him a sheepish smile, which he returned, and then headed to the barracks to see my friends.

I walked into the room and saw Merewen lying down on the bed with her head resting in Elladan’s lap again, and Elrohir was over by the fire in deep thought. Both the twins noticed my return almost instantly, and Elladan woke Merewen. Merewen practically jumped up out of the bed, if not a little unstable, but she didn’t care, though by the looks of it, Elladan did. “How did it go? You saw him, right? How is he?” The words spilled out of Merewen’s mouth. Just thinking about the encounter brought tears to my eyes, though I told myself I wouldn’t cry.

“He…he doesn’t remember me. He doesn’t want me to see him. I think I saw something in his eyes for a moment, but it was gone as quickly as it came.” Merewen pulled me down onto the bed, and tried to calm me down. I could not hold back the tears anymore, even though I didn’t want them to, fall they did. “He is not himself. He… he has changed. If only we were here earlier. We could have….”

Merewen cut her off, “No, don’t even think about blaming yourself for this one. You had no control over what happened in these woods.”

“But I should have been able to….”

“No!” I was cut off again. “There was no way that you can sense everything that happens in all of Middle Earth. Do you understand me? It could not have been helped.” I nodded my understanding and said that I needed to be alone, not just for my own welfare but Merewen’s as well, for I didn’t what her to sense the emotions that were flowing though me.

I left the barracks, not before I grabbed my bow and arrows. I needed to vent, now. I headed down to the archery range, in hopes that the occupants were gone. Thankfully, they were. With every arrow shot, I felt more release. I was happy once more, for the time being. I was glad I was alone, or so I thought, for this was something I liked to do privately.

“Ahh! So you are a Lady and a Warrior, very impressive!” came a voice from behind me, and I twirled around to see the owner. Haldir.

“What are you doing? You startled me.”

“And for that, I am sorry, I have just come down to retrieve the rest of the arrows that we left here, for they had gone astray.”

“Very well, I can wait a minute.” I said surprising myself with how much patience I was showing.

Haldir retrieved the arrows, but did not leave. I ignored him at first, and shot some more arrows. “Shall we have a little competition milady, to see whom is better trained?”

“Of course, my Lord.” He allowed me to shoot first, followed by him. We continued for a while, finally discovering that we were both equally gifted with the bow thanks to Helas’ help so many years ago. I felt much better now, for some unknown reason. I thanked Haldir for the challenge, kissed him on the cheek and bid him farewell. By the look on his face, one could say he was surprised at the action I took, but then he blushed slightly and left.

I returned to the barracks, finding Merewen and Elladan sleeping, while Elrohir and some of the others were talking quietly around the table. ‘This was a good night,’ I decided to myself, hoping that there would be more to follow.

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