Chapter 24

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I spent much of my time with Haldir, never really wanting to disturb Legolas and Merewen. I felt much better after I told Merewen, even if she didn’t respond, about my marriage. In a way, we were both going to get married, though for different reasons entirely.

Through the next week, I got news of Merewen awakening and being able to talk for short times, which was better than nothing. Elrohir came to me several times and asked if he could see Merewen. I understood his reasons, but I told him no, for she was in a crucial part in her recuperation and should not be disturbed. He accepted this easily enough, knowing that I was right.

I was walking in the gardens again, where I saw Elrohir doing the same. We nodded to each other but never spoke. I looked up to the balconies of the palace and saw Merewen lying in Legolas’ arms, smiling contently. Then I realized that if she ever saw Elrohir, it could be her undoing, because it would bring back horrible memories. I ran over to Elrohir to get him out of the gardens, but I was too late. Merewen glanced down and saw him, and she froze, a look of terror crossed her face, and I saw Legolas look around to find out the source of this sudden change.


He saw Inwe reach Elrohir and pull him out of the view of the balcony. ‘Of course!’ he thought, ‘how could I have let this happen, I should have seen it coming!’ He pulled Merewen into his arms and vanished into the chamber.


I flew through the corridors to Merewen’s chambers, praying to the Valar that it was not too late. I reached the room and threw the doors open, running inside and looking upon the couple on the bed. Merewen was crying and shaking all over, and Legolas was trying to calm her down by telling her that she was all right and nothing was going to happen. I was trying to use caresses and words to soothe away her pain; it seemed to work well enough. I decided that she needed to rest after this, so I made a sleeping draught which Legolas convinced her to drink. I was amazed at the fact that Legolas could get her to do this, for was almost liking twisting her arm to get her to take anything.

She drifted off into a dreamless sleep, and I was going to tell Legolas not to leave her side, but I already knew that he wouldn’t. I flew through the corridors, I needed to tell Haldir of this new turn of events, and I needed the opinion of the Lady of the Wood. I found them both quickly, and we went immediately to Merewen’s chamber.

The lady spoke of how she sensed this would come to pass. I was angry at first because she didn’t tell anyone of this, but thought it was better not to say anything because I knew that if she told everyone what she saw, it could alter the world as we know it. Haldir was there for emotional comfort for myself, because I knew if he was there that I could keep my emotions under wraps and, therefore, not harm Merewen further.

We spoke to Elrohir, telling him that he should avoid Merewen at all costs. It was during this conversation that we heard of the arrival of Lord Elrond. I was happy he was here but not entirely sure why, although, he could look at Merewen and know what to do better than I.

He did just that, he looked over Merewen and told us that there was nothing that could be done. She needed to escape this on her own. This is not what I, or Legolas, or anyone for that matter, wanted to hear. He pulled me aside, and he told me things that were a little surprising.

“Inwe, I can no longer keep you from the responsibility that claims your mind and actions. It is time for you to accept and fulfill your duties.” I was shocked to hear this, for if he could no longer withstand the calls, what chance did others have? “You need to finish Merewen’s training from where I left it. Your powers are far superior to hers now, and you are much wiser. You may be the only one who can help her. I have foreseen that in days to come, she will help determine what is to become of Middle Earth, and I need you to see that she does so.” I was stunned; he needed me to teach Merewen. How is this possible, how could I teach my best friend?

He left me to my thoughts, which were running amok inside my mind. Haldir came to me after awhile and urged me out of the room and to his chamber. I laid down on the bed, though no sleep came, for I had too much upon my mind.

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