Chapter 22

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I was glad to be here in Lothlorien, knowing that Merewen was on the mend. I was a bit sceptical of Legolas actually accepting the forced marriage. I thought to myself that I was forcing something on Legolas that was quite a big deal, for he had just met Merewen, so how could he truly love her and eventually marry her? I watched them several times, though never intruding because I wanted them to bond. I knew that Legolas was already affecting Merewen, for her light was already returning, which was a very good sign.

I left them for a while to wander the gardens, though I did not know of the figure following me in the shadows. It was late afternoon now and the sun was just about to set over the tall trees, I sat upon a bench and watched it happen. I was startled when a hand touched my shoulder. I twirled around to meet the intruder, only to see Elrohir staring back at me.

“Oh, Elrohir it’s just you. You startled me!”

“I am sorry; I just needed to talk to you.”

“About what dear friend?”

“About your vision of my brother dying. You saw it happen, did you not, through Merewen’s eyes? Please tell me what happened, for I much desire to know.”

“Elrohir, I wish not to recount that vision, for it pains me just to have witnessed it once I do not want to replay it again.”

Elrohir grabbed my hands and pleaded to me. “Please I must know. I must know how it happened, and what his last words were.” I saw tears fall down his fair cheeks, which I brushed away because I didn’t want any of my friends to be in pain.

“Very well, I will tell you, only because I can see you need to know this in order to ease your heart.”

I told him of what I saw, which was not the whole picture, but I suppose it was good enough for now because Merewen was not any help as of yet. I told him of his last words of declaring his love to Merewen, telling her to move on and find another, for she was not meant to grieve. I told him how he saved many from any future attacks by the spiders. I saw this cheered him a little, for he knew his brother died an honourable death, most likely the way he wanted to go, anyway.

I left him after a short while, when I was sure he was going to be all right. I continued my walk around the gardens. I sensed Haldir’s presence behind me before I saw him; it brought a smile to my face, for I knew he wanted to be with me but respected my wishes to ponder upon my thoughts, alone. But now he was here, and I desired to be with him.

I felt his arms around my middle hugging me tightly; he twirled me around and kissed me softly, as if asking permission, which I gladly gave him. We stayed for a while in each other’s arms kissing, not a word was said, for we both knew that we loved each other. I, however, did not expect Haldir pulling out a ring. I just stared at it for a while, and this brought a smile to his face.

“Amin n’kelaya lle a’maelamin (I will never leave you, my beloved)”

“I know my love, and I will never leave you either.”

“Lle luhta amin (You have enchanted me). Veruva amin, melamin (Marry me, my love).”

I could not answer I was speechless; I nodded yes as my answer.

Haldir kissed me again, twirling me around in the air in his happiness. I was so overcome with glee, we practically skipped down the path to tell everyone. I then realized that I could not share this moment with my best friend, for she was still grieving over the one that she was to marry. ‘How could I do this to her.’ I thought.

Haldir sensed my change of mood and looked at me and said, “You are thinking of Merewen aren’t you?” I did not but nod. “She would want you to be happy, Melamin.”

“You are right.”

After we informed people of our engagement, we went to Haldir’s chamber where we slept away the remainder of the night. I woke up the next morning to find the most angelic face of Haldir still sleeping next to me. I rose as not to wake him, and slipped silently from the room, heading towards Merewen’s chamber. The sight I saw was quite cute; I saw Legolas and Merewen both sleeping, Legolas tangled protectively over Merewen. From that moment, I knew that my feeling that Legolas was the right one to help Merewen was correct. I left with a smile upon my face knowing that this would, hopefully, be a good day!

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