Chapter 3: Phone calls and unexpected visits

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I opened the door to find someone who I wasn't expecting to see until tomorrow. Jasper. His golden hair glowing as usual. 

'Good morning Y/n, I was wondering if you'd like to go on a walk with me?' asked Jasper with a smile on his face. It was almost like he put a spell on me, like I couldn't refuse. I barely know him but he seems like a gentleman. I'm sure there's no harm in getting to know him, after all that's what I wanted to do. 

But then my mind floated back to Jake, he was still on the phone. I took a deep breath and decided I'd spend the day with Jasper, seeing as I'd spent the day with Jake yesterday. 

'Hello Jasper, It sounds lovely, please give me a minute. I'll be right back' I said. 'Of course, take your time' he said, his accent coming out a little. 

I left the door a bit open and picked up the phone again. 

'Jake?' I asked. 'Yeah, still here' he replied, I knew he was smiling. 

'Something's just come up, Jasper has come round and he's offered to take me on a walk' I said. It took him a moment to reply. 'Oh wow, that's very kind of him' said Jake calmly. But I could tell deep down that he was upset. 

'I'm sorry Jake, I promise I'll call you tonight?' I asked. 'It's okay, sounds good. I'll talk to you later' said Jake. 'Okay, goodbye' I said. 'Bye' He replied. 

I ended the call and tried to ignore the sad feelings in my chest and my heart screaming at me. 

I hate hurting Jake like that. But I knew I had already made up my mind with what I was going to do today. I got my coat on, my shoes on and I locked the door before turning to Jasper who was waiting for me. 'Sorry about the wait' I said. 'Don't worry, it's no trouble' he said smiling. 'How are you?' I asked. 'I'm very well thank you, are you okay?' He asked, while looking into my eyes.

I stared back into his golden eyes. I didn't bother lying to him. 'I'm okay, very up and down lately' I replied, with a small smile. 

'Thank you' he said. 

'For what?' I questioned. 

'For telling the truth, there's no greater gift than honesty' said Jasper, while smirking. 

'That's very true' I replied back with a smile. I started feeling warm inside, his presence has that sought of effect. He smiled warmly. 'So where are we off to today then?' I asked, curious as to where we were going. 'I was thinking of the forest, there's a nice stream I've found in one of the meadows' said Jasper. 'That sounds lovely' I replied. 

It seemed the sun had disappeared behind the trees, leaving a gloomy atmosphere to the town. We walked and walked until I didn't recognise where we were anymore. 

'Sorry, are you getting tired?' Jasper asked, concerned. 

I laughed and he gave me a confused look. 'You think of me as an unhealthy person?' I asked, raising my eyebrow. 

'No that's not at all what I meant, we have just been walking for a long time now' He replied, his voice steady. 

'Well I'm all good, you want me to carry you?' I asked sassily. He laughed at my comment. And then it was silent again, but not awkward in any remark. 

'So where are you from?' I asked, already knowing the answer. 'Here and there but I was born in Texas' He said, his accent coming out. 

'Oh, well I thought I could recognise that accent' I said, with a grin. 

'Your so beautiful and smart.. m'am' He replied in full accent. I smiled widely and giggled. 

That's when he stroked my arm gently. I turned to face him and he looked at me with warm eyes. I held out my hand for him to take and he slowly took it, I didn't shy away from the coldness. 

Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader x Jasperحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن