Chapter 15: Reckoning

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Possible SMUT warning at the end of this chapter! So please read with caution. 

It had been two weeks since Alice had the vision and even then only Edward knew what was to happen. But neither of them could say anything, this left Jasper frustrated and a little bit angry. For why would Alice not want him to know this? Especially since it involved Y/n. Apart from that the Cullen's house was it's usual calm atmosphere, everyone busy doing something. Even Edward was here, upstairs with Bella.

Jasper would have invited Y/n but she was at Emily's, apparently having a little get together. It did make him feel a little jealous. She would never leave her side, if he had the choice. But in the deal, they had to learn to share. However hard that must be. It was quite windy outside, the branches creaking ever so slightly against the glass windows. It was comforting for them. And although they couldn't sleep, sometimes they wish they could.

'Why can't they tell me Carlise, all I want is to protect her..' said Jasper, watching the trees move violently outside. Carlise and Esme looked at each other, Esme holding onto his arm gently.

'I'm sorry Jasper but I promise it's for the best, besides I have a feeling tonight's going to be a good night' said Carlise, with a smile. Jasper turned around to face him and Esme gave him a warm smile.

Jasper walked forward and Esme held him in his arms. It felt like a long time since he had one of Esme's warm mum hugs. Hardly any other hug could compare. Apart from Y/n's of course.

'It'll be alright dear' said Esme, gently. Jasper slowly pulled away. 'Thank you' said Jasper, kindly. It was sometimes hard for him to how affection and his soft side to his family. But that hug meant a lot to him. And Carlisle's kind words. He left the house for some fresh air and to hunt so he could control his lust for blood more. The wind blew through his blond wavy hair and he felt free. Feeling every element of nature around him, he opened up his senses. Feeling at once, at ease.

It was late once Y/n and Jacob returned home after being at a get together at Emily's. Jake was smiling crookedly and had his arm around her. Until they got inside and she locked the door.

'Did you enjoy tonight?' Asked Jacob, taking his shoes off.

'Yes it was perfect, it was nice being around everyone's good vibes' said Y/n, happily.

Jake smiled happily in return.

'I still can't believe it though!' Exclaimed Y/n.

'Well I've been reading Sam's thought's lately so I kinda knew it was going to happen sooner or later' said Jake.

'I was so happy when she told me she was pregnant, her face was glowing' said Y/n happily.

'It was a lovely reaction to see. Your face lit up. I know that Emily appreciated that too' said Jake.

'Do you know when they're getting married?' Asked Y/n, now curious to see how good the wolf telepathy could be.

Jake smirked, he knew what she was doing. 'I don't know but I know it'll be soon' said Jake.

Y/n smiled and nodded. They both yawned in synchronicity. And then giggled at each other.

'I think it's time we get some sleep now my love' said Jake, kissing her forehead.

'I agree babe' said Y/n, kissing his cheek.

As tradition he carried her up the stairs and into their bedroom. It had been something he'd done ever since he started staying with her. But then it soon turned into routine. She smiled with her eyes closed as he gently lay her down.

'Goodnight Y/n, I love you' said Jake, cuddling into the bed with her.

Two days had passed and winter had arrived. It was cold and damp but Y/n kept warm with some fuzzy jumpers and plenty of hot chocolates. Alice was finally ready to tell them what she had been keeping. Y/n was also staying over there too. Today she was wearing an emerald green jumper with moon patterns all over it. Jake was wearing a simple grey t-shirt and some blue jeans. No jacket of course, since he didn't need one. 

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