Chapter 3: Phone calls and unexpected visits

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Authors note: First I'd like to apologise for not posting another chapter sooner but I've kinda had writers block/ no inspiration for this story. But today I decided I would finish this chapter and post it on here, so that's what I've done! :) Please enjoy and vote for more!


I woke up the home phone ringing downstairs, I groggily opened my eyes and went down stairs. The sun was up so it wasn't that early. I answered the phone with a tired hello. 

'Just checking you were home' said James or more commonly known as my dad. 

'It's been days since I've seen you, where have you been?' I asked, feeling annoyed.

'I don't have to explain myself to you' he replied angrily.

'I think I deserve an explanation' I said sternly. 

'Hey baby, who are you talking to?' asked a voice I did not recognise. 

'Who the hell is that?' I asked angrily. If my dad was going to spend time with a woman, I at least thought he would tell me about it. 

'It's no one' James replied. 

'GET OFF THE PHONE' shouted the woman. 

I jumped up, not expecting that to happen. Then the phone line went dead. He hung up on me. His own daughter....without an explanation. It hurt more deeply than I wanted it too. But I wouldn't let myself cry over it. 

Instead I decided to take a hot shower, to get my mind off of it. After washing my body with care and shower gel, I got out and changed into a sweater and jeans. Toast would have to do for breakfast, as I had no patience to cook anything. 

It was around [10:30] so I decided to call Jacob, as I said I would last night. I dialed the numbers and listened to it ring. After a few rings Jacob picked up the phone. 

'Y/n?' asked Jacob. 

'Hey Jake, it's me' I said, putting on a smile. 

'Haha I knew it was!' exclaimed Jacob. 

'How are you?' I asked. 

'I'm good, are you okay?' asked Jacob. 

'Yeah I'm fine' I said, but I knew he saw right through those words. 

'Did something happen?' asked Jake. 

'Yeah, my dad called and it sounded like he was with another woman..' I said. 

'Oh' Jacob replied. 

'I haven't seen him in a few days, when he said he was going to work. But he hasn't come back since then.. And now I hear on the phone another woman is with him' I said, sadness in my voice. 

'I'm so sorry to hear that, did he discuss it with you?' asked Jake. 'No, he just said he didn't have to explain himself to me and then he hung up..' I whispered the last part. 

'I wish there was something I could do' cried Jacob, it sounded like he was getting really mad. 

'Jake it's okay, calm down' I said. 

'Sorry, I just hate seeing you upset' said Jake. 

I could feel my cheeks turn pink. 'Thanks Jake' I said. 

My voice had calmed him down, that much was clear. 'So what's on the agenda today?' he asked. 'Honestly I have no plans' I replied, with a small laugh. 

'Well I can always come to yours... or you can come to mine?' asked Jake, hope in his voice. 

Before I could answer there was a knock at my door. 'Sorry Jake, do you mind hanging on for a second. Someones at my door' I said. 'Sure' he replied. 

Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now