Chapter 7: The Cullens

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Authors note: I'm so sorry for such a long wait but I do hope with writing this chapter, it inspires me to continue this story more frequently. Anyway's please enjoy :)   and thank you for taking the time to read this story! Much love <3


A week had passed since Jacob had told me his secret and since then I had been bunking off school for every little reason. But deep down, I think it was because of Jasper. I hadn't seen him for weeks now. But surprisingly this morning Jacob changed his tune. 

'I think you should go to school today' said Jacob, making his morning toast. 

He hadn't left me on my own in the house since.. Well since my dad left.

'Why?' I replied, almost in an anxious tone. 

'It would be good for you, besides everyone needs a bit of education in their system' said Jake with his classic smile. 'Fine' I said, a small smile on my lips. 

I was wearing a casual outfit, a long sleeved burgundy top with blue jeans and an emerald green sweater. Jake stroked my arm gently, I looked into his big brown eyes and got lost in them for a moment. It made me realise how much Jake means to me. 

I don't think I would have survived without him. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek, my heart yearned for more but before I could think, I ran upstairs afraid of what I would've done next. 

He didn't follow me up but I could be sure his cheeks would be as red as cherubs right now. I got everything I needed in my bag and brushed my hair before going back downstairs. Jacob was already waiting on his motorbike for me. I gazed at him for a long moment before hopping on. 

I held on tight the whole way there. Letting the wind flow through my hair. It was the best feeling. Moments like these, I never wanted to end. I could feel Jacob's warmth and smell his strong scent. We were at Forks High school before I could even blink. Once I got off, I could barely say goodbye to him.

 'If you need me..' cried Jacob while stroking my face. 

'I'll call you' I said, with a smile. 

'I won't be far' Jake replied. 

I felt his lips on my forehead and then he smiled a warm smile at me before driving away. I watched as he drove away, until I couldn't see him anymore. 

As I turned around, I jumped out of my skin at the sight of Alice right in front of me. 

'Woah, you scared me!' I breathed. 

'Sorry' chimed Alice, in a sweet tone. 

'Are you okay?' I asked. 

'I'm fine thanks, I haven't seen you at school for ages. Were you bunking off again?' asked Alice with a knowing smile. I laughed, a bit embarrassed. 

'How did you know?' I questioned, perplexed at how she knew. 

She smiled and shook her head. The bell rang before she had time to answer. 

'I'll see you later' replied Alice, smiling. I waved at her and she skipped off to her class.


I sat down at the back of the class in English, Angela sat down next to me and smiled. I smiled in return but I really wanted to see Jasper. As though my prayers had been answered, he suddenly walked into the classroom. His golden hair flowing in the sudden wind. 

I could barely breathe. 

As he walked past my chair, I could smell his deep scent. It hypnotised me. 

Fire and Ice - Jacob x reader x JasperWhere stories live. Discover now