Before she could even express her apprehension, he casually began to strip off his clothes. She nearly squeaked and looked elsewhere. He laughed and leaned over to peck her reddening cheek. "Nothing you haven't already seen, love." Unfortunately, he was right. "C'mon, it'll be fun!"


"Live a little, Summer!" He yelled from over his shoulder as he made a break for the lake. She waited to look until she heard the splashing cease and him call her name again. "It's warm! C'mon, love!"

She didn't know why she was suddenly self conscious, he's seen her naked before, and she was comfortable in her skin. They took a bath together and he changed her when she was too cold not to, but right now.... Not having clothes on suddenly made her feel more vulnerable then usual. The other times they stripped in front of each other were, he was tending to her.

He affectionately rolled his eyes. "Here, I won't look." He announced as he turned around and covered his eyes.

As quickly as she could, she stripped of her clothes and got into the water. She went shoulder deep into the water and moved her arms to cover her chest, and told him it was okay to look.

His hands lowered from his eyes. "Nice of you to finally join me." He teased with a boyish grin. She gasped when his hands found hers to pull her deeper.

She dug her heels into the sand and frantically admitted, "I can't swim!"

He didn't seem to care and guided her to deeper water. "Well, I guess you'll just have to trust me." He said, smoothly. All part of his plan. Her life was practically in his arms as of right now.

Her breathing quickened as his arms looped around her waist, her chest pressed against his. It was deep enough to where he could stand on his tiptoes, but she was no where near the ground. The only way to not drown was to tightly hold on to him.

He noticed her apprehension and he brought one had up to cup her face. "You're okay, darling. I promise I won't let anything happen to you. You can trust me." He chuckled, softly, and brought her in a little closer. He tapped her chin to make her look up at him. "You're safe, I promise."

They swam for a good half hour before he noticed she began to shiver. He helped her out of the water and brought her back over to the couch where they could get dressed and warm up under all the blankets. He smiled as he watched her sitting there with her knees tucked up to her chest, in his shirt that was several sizes too big, as her eyes skimmed across the countless stars in the clear sky.

"Perfect night for stargazing, hmm?" It was silent for a moment before he whispered, "The stars are beautiful tonight."

She nodded, head tucked into the crook of his neck.

"But I have a prettier view right here."

She peered up at him to discover he meant her. She felt disappointed in herself when she could have sworn she felt the smallest bit of butterflies in her stomach. She wasn't used to this sweet and tender Loki. She was scared it wouldn't last... and equally as scared if it did.

He grinned victoriously when she gave him a small smile, a tint of pink tinging her cheeks. He couldn't help but kiss the side of her head, his heart fluttering at the weight of her head on his collarbone. "Did you know," he began, softly, "next to nearly every star, there's a planet with life on it?"

"I always wondered that." She admitted, quietly.

A low hum rumbled in his chest and her eyes slowly began to feel heavy with sleep. He went on to point out all the constellations to her, telling her what planet was where, which ones he visited, which ones he hadn't. He painted a vivid picture of what each one looked like and that maybe, if she wanted, he could take her someday.

She frowned when his words died off, her eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. She peeked up to check if he fell asleep, but to her surprise, he wasn't. His eyes were half closed as he gazed down at her with loving eyes. His large hand moved up to reach under his shirt she was wearing and ran it over her spine, making her shiver.

He gently guided her down on her back and he carefully rolled over to hover over her. She could feel the soft tickle of his breath beneath her nose and fingers that lightly brushed over her cheek as he silently admired her. He nudged his nose against hers and their mouths fell sleepily together, already soft and open.

Warmth blossomed in his chest, sparks igniting as her lips brushed against his.  The smell of her soft, vanilla scented shampoo, was dizzying, making butterflies dance in his stomach.

Their bodies pressed together but he was being as gentle as he could and didn't putting all his weight on her, breaths heavy as their lips pressed together.

He pulled back, a hunger clear in his eyes. "I love you, Summer." He didn't expect a reply before he dove back in for another kiss tentatively, passionately, and then, tenderly.

He tugged at his shirt she was wearing to pull her up to straddle his lap, the other hand under her sharp jaw.  His lips continued to be pressed against hers with passion, love, and affection as his warm hands roamed all over her body, leaving a trail of sparks in their wake. His lips started to move down from her mouth, to her cheek, jaw, and then neck. Before he could continue to kiss her, she managed to summon up the courage to pull away.

His lips dragged downward into a frown and she fully expected him to scold her and continue to kiss her.... but he didn't. He sighed and laid back down beside her, and pulled her close to him.

Soon, he decided. Soon he'll have her wrapped around his pinky. Soon he'll have her begging for him.

Because he could tell the potion was already working.


Like I said, if this chapter gets more comments than usual, I will post the next chapter early!! Please don't forget to comment and vote!! I love hearing from y'all!! ❤️ If you see about mistakes I missed, please point them out to me (nicely pls, I'm sensitive lol). Thanks y'all!

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