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So now I'm in the mall

Supermarket to be specific.

Buying good and supplies we need at home

Inside the cart are mostly foods

I have a basket dedicated for soap and whatso, anyways,

What can you say we're hungry eaters

Smiling at myself

I walk in the chips and sweets aisle

Then suddenly I heard my phone


I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the notification

He texted me

I checked his message

Can you buy ********** and ********** ?

I also need...

With wide eyes

Those are, the ingredients for my favorite

Again, I'm weirded out

I need to confront him tomorrow

And ask.

For now, lets just buy this and the others and head home

Getting some chips of my likings and his

I went to some other aisles where what he needs are there

He requested something.

Almost done

I'm actually making the story shorter...

Also in his text, his request depends on you

The favorite also depends on you.

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