Chapter 28 Hollywood Babylon

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Sam, Dean and Shay are getting a tour sitting on a trolley as Sam looks uneasy and Shay looks bored. They jump of the trolley and walk through the street, Shay holds onto Sam's hand tight as he doesn't want to get lost. Sam looks at Dean and Shay "stage 9 is this way" he looks at Dean "dude come on we got to work" Dean sighs "come on man you wanted to come to LA"

"Yeah for a vacation for swimming pools and movie stars not for work" replied Dean "we should have a break you know"

"This seem like swimming pool weather to you, Dean? I mean, it's practically Canadian" replied Sam

"Yeah. I just figured that, you know, after everything that happened with. Madison, y-you could use a little R-and-R, that's all" explained Dean

"Well maybe I want to work Dean, Maybe it keeps my mind of things" replied Sam

"Okay, okay, all right. So, this crew guy - what did he, he died on set?" replied Dean

"Yeah, uh, rumours spreading like wildfire online. They're saying the set's haunted" answered Sam

"Like Poltergeist?" Dean questioned

"Could be a Poltergeist" replied Sam

Dean shakes head "No, no, no. Like, the movie "Poltergeist". Sam shrugs "You know nothing of your cultural heritage, do you? It was rumored that the set of "Poltergeist" was cursed. That they used real human bones as, uh, as props. And, like, at least three of the actors died in it"

"Well, yeah it might be something like that" answered Sam

Shay looks up at Sam and smiles "ghosts?" he asks as Sam nods

"Alright, so this crew guy...what is his name?" Dean asked

"Frank Jaffrey" said Sam

"Frank Jaffrey, does he have a death certificate or something?" asked Dean

"Well, no. But, uh, it's LA, you know? It might not even be his real name. But the girl who found him, she said she saw something - a vanishing figure" Sam explained

"What's the girls name?" asked Dean

"Tara Benchley" answered Sam

Dean grinning with fannish enthusiasm "Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tara Benchley? From "Fear dot Com" and "Ghost Ship", Tara Benchley? Dude, why didn't you say so?"

"So, now your on board" said Sam

"I'm a fan of her work" replied Dean "Very good"

They get in the impala and drive to the set, Shay was giggling happily staring out the window and smiling wide. They get out the impala as Sam picks Shay up and follows Dean inside the set

"Excuse me Green shirt" said Brad "can you get me a smoothie from Kraft?"

"You want a what from who?" asked Dean

Sam walks over carrying Shay and nods "uh yeah, one smoothie coming up" he says and starts walking away

Later, the cast and crew are getting ready to resume shooting. Dean is walking in with a tray of smoothies. Dean sets down the tray of smoothies he had gotten and starts to go up the stairs to the scaffolding. Suddenly, the lights on set go down, and the actors begin their take. Sam stands by Dean putting Shay on his shoulders, Dean starts speaking "Well, I think being a P.A. sucks. But the food these people get, are you kidding me? I mean look at these things" He picks up a tiny sandwich "They're like miniature Philly cheesesteak sandwiches. They're delicious" he takes a bite of the sandwich "what did you find out about the dead crew guy?"

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