Chapter 5 bloody Mary

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MSam lays on the bed with his eyes closed. Jess is on the ceiling, blood drips onto Sam's head as he opens his eyes and sees her.

"Why Sam, Why Sam?" asked Jess

"No" said Sam

Jess burst into flames

"Why Sam" she screamed

"Sam wake up" said Dean

Sam wakes, confused he looks around only to see him sitting in the shotgun seat of the impala which is parked in front of a loud building. He looks back at Shay who is watching turtles

"I take it, I was having a nightmare" replied Sam

"Yeah another one" answered Dean

"Hey, at least I got some sleep" said Sam

"You know sooner or later we are going to have to talk about this" answered Dean

"Are we?" Sam questioned

"Yep, welcome to Toledo Ohio" said Dean

Sam picks up the news article

"So what do you think really happened to this guy?" asked Sam

"That's what we are going to find out" said Dean

They get out the car and head to the morgue, Shay looks around amused

"Can you show us the shoemakers body please?" asked Dean

"We need to see the body, he is daddy's friend" replied Shay

"Alright follow me" said Tech man

They follow the tech man

"The newspaper said his daughter found him, he had a twins but the boy wasn't close to the father" explained Sam

They exit the hospital

"It might not be one of ours. Might be some freak medical thing" explained Sam

"How many times in Dad's long and varied career has it actually been a freak medical thing and not some sign of an awful supernatural death?" Dean asked

"Almost never" replied Sam "let's just go and speak to the daughter"

They drive to the shoemaker's house and enters approaching Donna, Lily and Landon

"We are sorry about your dad" said Sam "I am Sam, this is my son Shay and this is Dean we worked with your dad"

"Dad never had a stroke, me and my friends were playing a game, right before dad died I said bloody Mary 3 times in the mirror" said Lily "she took his eyes"

"Good riddance" said Landon "dad always worked and never spent time with us"

"Landon enough, dad dead and he never coming back alright" shouted Donna

"There's no way it could be bloody Mary, your dad never said it" replied Dean

They walk upstairs as Shay looks at the mirror giggling

"Who's bloody Mary daddy?" asked Shay

"It's a woman who appears in mirrors once you say her name 3 times" Sam explained "Dean is it real?"

"Not that I know off Sammy" said Dean

"Kids play bloody Mary all the time and no one has died from it" said Sam

"Maybe everywhere is just a story but here it's actually happening" Dean answered

"Normally it's whoever says you know what in the mirror 3 times gets it but instead the shoemaker gets it" said Sam

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