Chapter 13 something wicked

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Dean is driving down a country road as Sam looks at Shay who is asleep and his wound on his face is slowly healing. He parks the car and gets out going in the café and comes back outside carrying two coffees and a hot chocolate to see Shay playing in the park

"Where the hell are the other kids?" asked Sam

"The other kids are getting sick" explained Woman "they all at the hospital, you got to be careful in case your kid gets sick"

Sam goes over and picks Shay up and put him in the car as Sam and Dean get in the car afterwards and Dean drives to the hospital, they get out the car and make their way into the hospital

"Dude I am not using this ID" replied Sam

"Why not?" asked Dean

"Cause it says bikini inspector on it" replied Sam

Dean grins "Don't worry she won't look that close all right? Hell, she won't even ask to see it. It's all about confidence Sammy" explained Dean

Sam goes over to the desk and gives Dean a dirty look when they ask for ID and walks back to Dean who is waiting with Shay as they walk Dean stops and stares at an old woman

"She creepy uncle Dean" muttered Shay "very creepy"

Dean nods and picks Shay up and runs to catch up with Sam. They stop when they speak to Dr Hydrogen

"So you got six cases so far" said Dean

"Yeah, five weeks. At first we thought it was garden variety bacterial pneumonia. Not that newsworthy. But now The kids aren't responding to antibiotics. Their white cell counts keep going down. Their immune systems just aren't doing their job. It's like their bodies are ... wearing out" explained Dr Hydrogen

"It works itself through families only children though" answered Nurse

"Do you mind if we interview a few kids?" asked Sam

"They are not conscious" answered Hydrogen

"Can we uh talk to the parents?" asked Dean

"If you think it will help" replied Hydrogen

Dean nods "I guess I must protect this little cutie here now" Dean tickles Shay making him giggle. A man sits alone in a chair as Sam and Dean approach him asking questions

"So your oldest got ill first than your youngest" Sam explained

"Yeah we think we left the window open" replied man

"Alright thank you for your time" said Sam

They walk down the corridor

"Let's go and check his house" replied Sam "which means Shay you have to stay close to us"

"Okay daddy" mumbled Shay

They go to the man's house and investigate the girl's bedroom. Dean goes around with the EMF metre as Sam goes to the window

"Dean over here" called Sam

Dean walks over and stares at the handprint

"What the hell leaves a handprint like that?" asked Sam

Dean stares at it still. Young Dean who is age 10 is staring at a picture of a handprint. John comes out of the bathroom

"You know the call Dean if anyone calls you don't pick up if I ring I ring once and then I call again" explained John

"Only answer the phone unless it rings once first" explained Dean

"Come on dude, look alive this stuff is important" answered John

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