Chapter 16 Devil's trap

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Dean hangs up and turns to Sam upset and angry "they got dad"

"What did they say?" asked Sam

"I just told you Sammy" replied Dean

Dean takes the colt and puts in the back pocket of his jeans

"What are you doing Dean?" asked Sam

"We got to go now" ordered Dean

"Why?" asked Sam

"Because the demon knows were in Salvation, all right. It knows we got the Colt. Its got Dad – its probably coming for us next" explained Dean

"Good we still got three bullets left so let it come" said Sam

"Listen, tough guy, were not ready, okay? We dont know how many of them are out there. Now, were no good to anybody dead. Were leaving.... now" explained Dean

They get in the impala as Dean drives

"I'm telling you we could have taken him" replied Sam

"What we need is a plan. Now, theyre probably keeping Dad alive, we just got to figure out where. Theyre gonna wanna trade him for the gun" answered Dean

"Dean if it was true how come Meg never asked to trade?" asked Sam "dad he might be..."

"Don't" yelled Dean

"Look, I dont want to believe it any more than you. But if he is, all the more reason to kill this damn thing. We still have the Colt. We can still finish the job" answered Sam

"Screw the job Sam" shouted Dean

"Dean I'm just trying to do what he would want us to do and he would want us to carry on" answered Sam

"Quit talking about him like hes dead already. Listen to me, everything stops until we get him back, you understand me? Everything" explained Dean

"So how do we find him?" Sam asked

"Maybe we go to Lincoln and start at the warehouse where he was taken" answered Dean

"Come on Dean you really think these demons will leave a trail?" asked Sam

"No warehouses are dark uncle Dean me no like dark" whimpered Shay

"You are right we going to need help" replied Dean

The impala drives into a junkyard they get out the car and enters the house to see Bobby who is a friend's of John's but is like a second father to the boys, Bobby hands Dean a flask and keeps another flask

"Is this holy water?" asked Dean

"That one is but this one" he gestures to the one in his hand "is whiskey"

"Thanks Bobby for everything but to tell you truth I wasn't sure we should come" Dean explained

"Nonsense your daddy needs help" replied Bobby

"Yeah your daddy needs help uncle Dean" said Shay

"Well, yeah, but last time we saw you, I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. Cocked the shotgun and everything" explained Dean

"What can I say John has that effect on people" replied Bobby

"Yeah he does" replied Dean

"None of that matters now all that matters is that you get him back" Bobby answered "Sam your kid learned quick"

"Yeah he did watch his mom die" replied Sam "he taught himself how to use a knife and a gun"

"Yep" answered Bobby "The storms coming, and you boys, your Daddy – you are smack in the middle of it"

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