Chapter 4 Phantom traveler

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Dean is asleep on his stomach. As the door opens; Dean slips a hand underneath his pillow to grab his weapon, he turns to look to see Sam carrying coffees and pastries and a drink for Shay

"Morning sunshine" replied Sam

"What time is it?" asked Dean

"It's about five-forty five" replied Sam

"In the morning?" asked Dean

"Yep" replied Sam

"Where does the day go?" Dean asked looking at Shay sound asleep "did you get any sleep last night?"

"Yeah, I grabbed a couple of hours" answered Sam

"Liar cause I was up at three and you weren't asleep" mumbled Dean "when was the last time you got a good night sleep?"

"I don't know, a little while I guess" said Sam "it's not a big deal"

"Yeah it is." said Dean

"Look I appreciate your concern..." said Sam

"I'm not concerned about you, it's your job to look after your son and keep me alive" answered Dean "seriously are you still having nightmares about Jess?"

"Well it's not just her, it's everything this job man" replied Sam

"You can't let it get to you" said Dean

"What so you never afraid?" asked Sam

Dean shakes his head as Sam reaches underneath his pillow and pulls out the hunting knife

"That's not fair, that's precaution" replied Dean

"Alright, whatever I'm too tired to argue" muttered Sam

Dean phone rings as he answers it "hello"

"Dean, it's, uh, it's Jerry Panowski. You and your dad helped me out a couple years back" said Jerry

"Oh, right, yeah. Up in Kittanning, Pennsylvania, the poltergeist thing. It's not back, is it?" asked Dean

"No. No. Thank god, no. But it's something else, and...uh, I think it could be a lot worse" explained Jerry

"What is it?" questioned Dean

"Can we talk in person?" asked Jerry

"Yeah" said Dean

They pack their bags as Sam gets Shay in the car as Dean drives to Jerry

"Thanks for making the trip" said Jerry he looks at Sam "Dean and your dad helped me out" he turns to look at Shay "you must be Sam's son"

"Yeah, I was helping my girlfriend raise the kid" said Sam

"He was very proud of you, I could tell. He talked about you all the time" explained Jerry

"He did?" Sam questioned

"Yeah, you bet he did. Oh, hey, you know I tried to get a hold of him, but I couldn't. How's he doing, anyway?" answered Jerry

"He wrapped up in a job right now" replied Dean

"Well we missing the old man but we get Sam and his son so even trade" replied Jerry

"No, not by a long shot" said Sam

"I got something that I want you guys to hear" answered Jerry

They follow Jerry to his office as he plays the CD

"Alright we going to need Passenger Manifests and the list of the survivors" replied Dean "and the wreckage"

"I can't help you with the wreckage" said Jerry

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