Maybe More

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Castiel looked down at the 4 girls who were sleeping on the floor. All of them were on one another, in one way or another. Rebekah was cuddled behind Bonnie on the far right, her foot reached over Bonnie and against Caroline's back which faced the witch, yet she held Bonnie's hand against her chest. Elena was on the other side of Caroline, cuddling with the blonde but also gripping Bonnie's hand.

Dean walked into the room with a smile. It hadn't exactly been a good day yesterday but it ended on a high note in his opinion. Granted he hadn't planned on kissing Bonnie, in any way. But he did and instead of pushing him away she responded, even if she ran inside after, she kissed him back. Seeing Cas standing in the middle of the room he frowned.

"Cas" he called out, making the angel look at him. "What you doing bud?" Castiel motioned to the group of friends asleep on the floor.

"I'm watching over them" he told the hunter simply. Meg had gotten mad at him because he was being a 'helicopter boyfriend', whatever that meant, and sent him away to 'check in on his charges'. Deans eyebrows raised at the statement.

"Okay Cas, 1 these are 2 vampires and Original Vampire and a witch/reincarnated goddess, I think they'll be just fine" he said motioning to the sleeping girls. Castiel shrugged a shoulder conceding his point. "And 2 I told you to stop doing that to people"

"Doing what?" Caroline asked as she began waking up. Dean rolled his eyes when he realized all the girls were waking up.

"Watching over people while they sleep, it's creepy" Dean says making Bonnie chuckle, having already heard a version of this story.

"I think it's sweet" Rebekah said winking at the angel. Castiel's eyes widened for a moment before he began blushing at the compliment.

"Easy sister he's mine" they heard a husky voice say, turning to see Meg at the doorway. Dean rolled his eyes as he walked passed the demon and into the kitchen. He needed more coffee for this crap. Taking the Mikaelson vampire in, Meg looked at her up and down, smirking.

"But you can always join in on the fun" she added with a wink. She always did have a taste for sexy vampires. Castiel looked at the two in confusion as they smirked at each other.

"It's alright, I've got my human, he's sweet I take great pleasure in corrupting him" Rebekah said her smirk widening as she thought of Matt. Meg's smile only grew as she looked at Castiel.

"Well, you ever get tired of him offers open, we can corrupt an angel together" Meg said with another wink before walking into the kitchen after Dean. Bonnie frowned up at Rebekah from where she still lay on the floor.

"Did you just flirt with a demon in my living room?" She asked making Rebekah laugh softly. Bonnie could only roll her eyes as she turned around, bring the blanket up and over her head. "What even is my life?" She asked.

After forcing the small witch up, the girls went about picking up the blankets and wine bottles that littered the floor. Once done they walked into the kitchen where Dean was glaring at a smirking Meg. Bonnie rolled her eyes at the sight. Dean told them he'd play nice with the demon but he didn't simply trust her, Bonnie disagreed.

"Is that coffee" she asked seeing her favorite mug on the counter. Dean turned to her, his face softening immediately, and nodded. Bonnie rushed over when he held out the mug, taking it with a smile. She took a sip and leaned against the counter next to Dean, completely missing the look Caroline and Elena shit each other.

All the girls knew something happened last night. They heard them arguing outside, they heard what Dean told her. She was his weakness. It irritated Rebekah, who wanted Bonnie to be with one of her brothers, or both she wasn't picky. She'd have killed him then and there if she wasn't sure they needed him to defeat Ra.

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