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Bonnie sighed as she began to stir awake. She knew she fell asleep alone last night, but judging by the weight on her bed, she no longer was. Feeling a slender arm fling onto her she smiled. Caroline.

"I know you're awake" the blonde muttered behind her, watching the small brunette begin to bury her face in the pillow.

"I don't want to be" Bonnie said making another person laugh. Elena.

"Because Klaus gets back today and you have to tell him that not only did Dean kiss you, but you're taking a break from romance all together until we deal with Ra" the newly turned vampire guessed from behind Caroline. Bonnie rolled her eyes at her as she turned to face them.

"Among other things" she muttered as her green eyes met blue and brown. Elena smiled as she lifted her head to rest on her hand.

"I'm so happy I'm finally not the one with relationship problems" Elena said chuckling with the blonde beside her. Bonnie's eyes narrowed, before she quickly hit the brunette with a pillow.

"Shut up" she muttered as the other girls began to laugh. The three of them simply chuckled in the bed, basking in the presence of the others, happy to be together. Until a knock sounded on the door making the girls look at it.

"Hey, guys, Maria called Erica, they're gonna be home in a few hours" Sam said sticking his head in and watching as Bonnie flung her head back onto the bed. Smiling the extremely tall man shook his head.

"Bonnie" he said softly to get the small witch's attention. He watched as she opened one eye to look at him. Chuckling he tilted his head. "That means Zoe's gonna be here too" he said watching as Bonnie's eyes lit up at the thought.

Jumping up she smiled more than ready to see the small witch. She hadn't seen Zoe in a week and missed her like crazy. Going to her closet she pulled out a few items, raising an eyebrow at Sam when she noticed he was still there.

"I need to get ready" she said, rushing him out of the room. Sam laughed as he closed the door behind him, happy that she seemed so happy. After their setback, and her resolution to not deal with any romance until Ra was taken care of, she'd seemed down. So worried that everything would fall apart. He was happy that Zoe coming back was able to put a smile on her face.

"So, what are you going to say when you see him?" Caroline asked, sitting up in the bed, her pastel shirt falling over her shoulder. Bonnie sighed as she looked down at her clothing for the day.

"Well first I'm going to hug the crap out of Zoe, then I'm just gonna have to tell him the truth" Bonnie said as she began biting the inside of her cheek. Elena raised an eyebrow at the small witch.

"Which is" she asked softly. At the question Bonnie sighed.

"That there's too much going on for me to focus on a relationship with anybody, let alone my reincarnated husband, my reincarnated lover or his brother" Bonnie said letting out a breath as she looked at the pair on her bed. "This is already complicated enough" Bonnie muttered as she looked at them, shyly. Caroline smiled as Bonnie looked down nervously.

"I think it's a good thing" she said, smiling when Elena nodded beside her. Bonnie looked up at her, tilting her head slightly. "I thought it'd be good for you to get a little action, some attention from Klaus and Elijah, but your obviously overwhelmed, it's more than okay to take a step back and if either of them have a problem they can take it up with me" Caroline said, smiling when Bonnie laughed.

"You know, Elijah and Dean have actually been really understanding" Bonnie admitted, smiling when Caroline muttered an 'of course they are'. Sighing she shrugged slightly. "the one I'm worried about is Klaus" she said softly, looking out the window.

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