Hanging On

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"What the hell shouldn't she be here by now?" Dean asked to which Sam frowned at him. He knew his brother was impatient but he just felt like this was something else. Maybe worry for Bonnie? Though they all knew Bonnie could take care of herself.

"Hey relax dude, Bonnie said she'd be here in a minute and she will" Tyler says holding out a hand at the hunter. He could feel the hunters worry for Bonnie and he wasn't sure how he felt about it.

Bonnie and him weren't as close as they used to be but he still loved her like a sister and all these guys all over her wasn't Bonnie's style. She wasn't like Elena or even Caroline who needed guys all over them, she was always just doing her own thing. She didn't even pay attention when guys at school wanted her.

It was, honestly, one of the things he loved about her. She just didn't care about that stuff, not like other girls. Dean narrowed his eyes at the newly turned hybrid.

"Dude?" He asks Sammy, raising an eyebrow to which Sam just chuckles. Before either could respond they all heard a familiar whistle.

"Finally" Dean breathes out as they walk towards the sound. Bonnie stood at the door waiting for them with a smirk on her face. Tyler jogged up to her slightly, squeezing her arm.

"Everything okay in there?" He asks making Bonnie smile.

"Everything's going according to plan for once" she says smiling at them all. Closing the door behind him lightly, Dean takes the young witch in. She looked good, obviously she always looked good but with the tight dress and straightened hair she looked more mature. It was a good look.

"Alright let's go then" Sam says leading the way. Bonnie begins to follow them making Dean turn to her.

"What are you doing, shouldn't you be getting back?" He asks making her raise an eyebrow at him.

"They've got it handled, you guys need me more" she says trying to walk past him. Grabbing her wrist he shakes a finger at her, while making a face.

"Um no, this is not what we talked about Bonnie" he says making her glare at him slightly. She takes her hand back but before she can say anything Tyler cuts in, knowing exactly how feisty the small witch could get if not given what she wanted.

"Hey, Bonnie's right, anything could happen and she's the best help we've got, the girls will be fine with Rebekah" he tells them making Dean scoff at him.

"You'd bet your girlfriends life on that?" He asks making Tyler chuckle at him. They were all used to people underestimating the blonde but it was always funny.

"Caroline's tougher than she looks, now can we get going" he says making Bonnie look at Dean questioningly. He shakes his head for a moment. The small witch and hunter stare at each other for a moment before Dean is nodding, though it looked like it pained him to do so.

"Yea fine lets go" he says making Sam chuckle at him. It wasn't often that Dean let himself be bullied into anything but Bonnie seemed to have a special talent.

"Shut up" Dean growls as he passes his snickering younger brother. Bonnie and Sam share a smile before following after him.

Getting to the area the artifacts are held in Bonnie stops them before they step into the room. She points at the cameras that move around the room, scanning the area.

"adolebitque filum" she whispers and before they can question her the wires short circuit. Looking at her with both eyebrows raised, Sam smiles, more than impressed with her skills.

"We could've used your help so many times" he says making Bonnie chuckle at him as they begin to walk in.

"Told ya" she says confidently, walking passed Dean and towards the box. Dean rolls his eyes as Tyler stays by the hall to keep watch.

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