Homecoming Part 2

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Looking around there is only blood and sand. Bonnie didn't understand what she was looking at. There were bodies littered over the floor. Corpses everywhere. The fires burned bright but the anger, the absolute rage she felt inside burned brighter.

She looked around frantically, searching. She needed to know something, to find something. As she walked through the sea of dead she realized that while it bothered her, saddened her to see the dead soldiers, it wasn't as scarring as she thought it should be. It was almost as if she'd been in that position before. As if she'd seen worse than all of these bodies that lay littered on the floor. She didn't know how that could even be possible.

"You're here" she hears and freezes. She knows that voice, almost as well as she knows her own. Turning she runs to the man laying on the ground. Mason Lockwood, or Set. This was Set, Bonnie had to remind herself. She picked the man up, laying his upper body on her lap.

"My love" she whispers as he smiles up at her. He had a a large cut going from his temple to somewhere in his hair, with blood leaking from his mouth. What she knew she wouldn't be able to heal was the large gash in his stomach. Not here anyways.

"I knew-" he starts but coughs blood making her shush him as tears begin to build in her eyes. He shakes his head at her. "I knew I would see you again" he says bringing a bloodied hand to rest on her cheek. She gives him a reassuring smile.

"I knew you'd be the one to accompany this dead man to the underworld" he says softly. Bonnie closes her eyes tightly, shaking her head.

"No you are not dying here" she says strongly even as the heartbreak goes through her soul. She was seconds away from breaking. He shook his head at her.

"No" he tells her firmly, yet somehow his voice still soft with her. She looks at him in shock as more tears run down her face. "I will die with my men, in the arms of the woman I love" he says softly. She shakes her head, yet the warrior in her understands.

"I could save you"

"You would be wasting your time"

"I could try"

"As stubborn as always my golden goddess" he says with a strained chuckle, making her stomach clench painfully.

"I don't want to lose you"  she says her voice cracking but he shakes his head at her.

"Yet you let me go and you would continue to do so if it meant keeping me alive-" she begins to argue but he puts a bloodied finger to her lips to stop her from speaking. "We both know it" he says. In her head she admits that he's right. She would do anything to keep him safe.

"A life without you is not a life I want to live" he says and Bonnie feels the tears fall even more freely. She felt the absolute heartbreak, it was agonizing.

"I love you Set" she tells him and he gives her a bloody smile, somehow still able to show his love.

"And I... love.... you" he says as he takes his last breath. Bonnie holds him to her chest, clinging onto him as she lets out powerful yet agonizing yell.
Prudence looked at the Bennett witch in disgust as she lay on the cave floor. Bonnie was chained to the wall, barely enough to let her stand. The abomination was in a more secure part of the cave, guarded by another witch. Prudence was certain that by the end of the night the Bennett would be putty in their hands.

Agatha didn't care, the witch of Asian descent was just out for blood at this point. Be it the witch tied in front of them or the abomination not too far from them, she was sure she'd be having a splendid evening. She was ready for the bloodbath to begin. Unfortunately they needed the moon to be at its midway point to do the spell, which would take another hour. Everything was going according to plan and the dark haired girl could almost taste the blood on her tongue.

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